2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Burton-Jones, Andrew
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: knowledge sharing artificial intelligence digital platform
Methods: difference in differences
Theories: garbage can theory
2020 | Information & Management | Citations: 2
Authors: Sambhara, Chaitanya
Abstract: Using reverse auctions (RAs) requires managing complex information. Yet, such ch ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: information management interorganizational relationship business-to-business price management strategic management
Methods: qualitative interview theory development delphi study personal interview literature sample
Theories: garbage can theory agency theory lemon market theory
2012 | Organization Science | Citations: 43
Authors: Obstfeld, David
Abstract: This paper presents a framework for action that accounts for both how organizati ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: organizational change innovation management decision making
Methods: qualitative interview design artifact case study survey field study
Theories: garbage can theory action theory organizational theory
2009 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Niederman, Fred; Gregor, Shirley; Grover, Varun; Lyytinen, Kalle; Saunders, Carol
Abstract: We view the current belief in reference discipline theories and their value in M ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: reference discipline IS discipline resistance to change information system use decision support system
Methods: theory development synthesis
Theories: technology acceptance model information systems theory transaction cost economics resource based view of the firm garbage can theory
2009 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Sun, Violeta; Aanestad, Margunn; Skorve, Espen; Miscione, Gianluca
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the challenges of managing large-scale information infr ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: information technology infrastructure IT governance strategic management health information system open source
Methods: case study interpretative method qualitative interview qualitative content analysis participant observation
Theories: garbage can theory organizational theory punctuated equilibrium theory
2007 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Gavetti, Giovanni; Levinthal, Daniel; Ocasio, William
Abstract: Cyert and March's (1963) A Behavioral Theory of the Firm and the broader Carnegi ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: decision making organization structure organizational productivity organizational change organizational control
Methods: theory development
Theories: theory of bounded rationality theory of distributed cognition garbage can theory organizational theory
2003 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 27
Authors: Sabherwal, Rajiv; Newman, Michael
Abstract: This paper seeks to advance our understanding of the dynamics of persistence and ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: systems development system development method IT project pseudonymity interorganizational system
Methods: qualitative interview case study personal interview synthesis
Theories: garbage can theory
2002 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 3
Authors: Alter, Steven; Dennis, Alan R.
Abstract: In the rapidly changing field of information systems, every researcher faces imp ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: group support system brainstorming systems analysis electronic brainstorming decision making
Methods: post-hoc analysis theory development case study
Theories: contingency theory garbage can theory work systems theory
2001 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: McGrath, G. Michael; More, Elizabeth
Abstract: A decision-making model, in the tradition of the ‘garbage can’ and its variants, ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: decision making network effect enterprise architecture expert system organization structure
Methods: case study design artifact simulation
Theories: garbage can theory
1981 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 26
Authors: Huber, George
Abstract: A bstract Today's Decision Support Systems (DSS) are almost invariably designe ... Expand
Semantic filters: garbage can theory
Topics: decision support system decision making
Methods: conceptual modelling
Theories: garbage can theory