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Found 630 articles
  • Differential Impact of Content in Online Communication on Heterogeneous Candidates: A Field Study in Technical Recruitment


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Aggarwal, Rohit; Lee, Michael J.; Midha, Vishal

    Abstract: Recruitment is a critical activity for companies, and the research community has ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: social media electronic mail IS economics economic surplus IT workforce

    Methods: experimental group survey field study factor analysis descriptive statistic

    Theories: motivation theory

  • Social media platforms and social enterprise: Bibliometric analysis and systematic review


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ali, Imran; Balta, Maria; Papadopoulos, Thanos

    Abstract: A considerable number of contributions at the intersection of social media platf ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: social media crowdsourcing marketing management crowdfunding digital platform

    Methods: literature sample bibliometric analysis literature study structured literature research co-citation analysis

    Theories: structuration theory dynamic capabilities theory


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alotaibi, Awatif; Barros, Alistair; Degirmenci, Kenan

    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered a product rather than a mobility service ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: privacy information privacy concern participatory design environmental sustainability decision making

    Methods: survey archival research survey design design methodology partial least squares path modeling

    Theories: privacy calculus theory service-dominant logic

  • Seizing the Potential of Algorithms: The Power of Personalized Persuasive Messages on the Use of Algorithmic Advice

    2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Asbach, Simon; Graf-Vlachy, Lorenz; Fügener, Andreas

    Abstract: Recommendations of algorithms are frequently superior to human judgment, but hu ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: personality

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment survey statistical hypothesis test statistical power analysis

  • How social media live streams affect online buyers: A uses and gratifications perspective


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 2

    Authors: Bawack, Ransome Epie; Bonhoure, Emilie; Kamdjoug, Jean-Robert Kala; Giannakis, Mihalis

    Abstract: Social media live streams (SMLSs) are becoming mainstream e-commerce platforms, ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: electronic commerce price management social media social network information exchange

    Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling partial least squares regression cross sectional research

  • Alexa is the New Influencer: An Empirical Study Based on a Relational View

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bawack, Ransome; Bonhoure, Emilie; MALLEK, Sabrine

    Abstract: This paper explores the potential of voice assistants (VAs) as influencers and ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: marketing management conversational agent missing data usage intention

    Methods: survey regression analysis method computational algorithm multiple linear regression PLS tool

  • The Evaluation of Founder Failure and Success by Hiring Firms: A Field Experiment


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Botelho, Tristan L.; Chang, Melody

    Abstract: Organizations tout the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship. Yet, when ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: IT career human resource management entrepreneurship systems development innovation management

    Methods: qualitative interview field experiment theory development experiment experimental design

    Theories: lemon market theory

  • Conversation Analytics: Can Machines Read between the Lines in Real-Time Strategic Conversations?

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Y.; Rui, H.; Whinston, A.

    Abstract: Strategic conversations involve one party with an informational advantage and t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: database system artificial intelligence electronic finance missing data accounting

    Methods: computational algorithm BERT deep learning machine learning next sentence prediction

    Theories: theory of economic growth

  • What makes a Tweet so sweet: The neurocognitive effects of hedonic information consumption


    2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Fadel, Kelly J.; Meservy, Thomas O.; Kirwan, C. Brock

    Abstract: Hedonic information consumption (HIC) refers to the consumption of information f ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: Twitter social media social media site database system decision making

    Methods: experiment functional magnetic resonance imaging theory development NeuroIS magnetic resonance imaging

    Theories: theory of information information systems theory

  • Unraveling the Effects of Mobile Application Usage on Users’ Health Status: Insights from Conservation of Resources Theory


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Fu, Shaoxiong; Cai, Zhao; Lim, Eric; Liu, Yong; Tan, Chee-Wee; Lin, Yanqing; Deng, Shengli

    Abstract: Numerous studies have documented adverse consequences arising from increased tec ... Expand

    Semantic filters: face validity

    Topics: information system use mobile application mobile system social media smartphone

    Methods: survey descriptive statistic mediation analysis structural equation modeling robustness check