2023 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0
Authors: Bork, Dominik; Ali, Syed Juned; Dinev, Georgi Milenov
Abstract: The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) modeling language allows the precise speci ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: artificial intelligence explainable artificial intelligence perceived usefulness price management extensible markup language
Methods: computational algorithm decision tree classification experiment conceptual modelling simulation
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Damarowsky, Johannes; Kuehnel, Stephan; Böhmer, Martin; Sackmann, Stefan
Abstract: A well-known approach to managing and controlling workflows in organizations is ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: usability user interface augmented reality smart device enterprise architecture
Methods: design science design artifact unified modeling language business process model and notation modeling language
Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
2023 | DESRIST | Citations: 0
Authors: Hornsteiner, Markus; Schönig, Stefan
Abstract: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm means that “things” in an indu ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: Python evaluation criteria extensible markup language IT security requirements analysis
Methods: modeling language business process model and notation business process modeling personal interview design artifact
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Jin, Sol; Lian, Xu; Jung, Hanearl; Park, Jinsoo; Suh, Jihae
Abstract: A man-made machine-reading comprehension (MRC) dataset is necessary to train the ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: privacy decision making online community IT productivity Google+
Methods: BERT chatGPT computational algorithm experiment natural language processing
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Klippenstein, Arthur; Weskamp, Dr Christoph; Laux, Florian; Neuhaus, Florian; Pfannschmidt, Karlson; Bülling, Melissa; Kassanke, Dr Stephan
Abstract: The development of new and innovative business models is a central challenge fo ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: business model crowdsourcing user interface usability value creation
Methods: design artifact design theory machine learning focus group survey
Theories: socio technical theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Lin, Mingfeng; Sias, Richard; Wei, Zaiyan
Abstract: The growth of crowdfunding markets that include both expert and nonexpert inves ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: crowdsourcing Prosper crowdfunding extensible markup language accounting
Methods: simulation descriptive statistic logistic regression experiment computational algorithm
Theories: economic theory
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Sharma, Kalpit; Mukhopadhyay, Arunabha
Abstract: Hackers have used Distributed-Denial-of-Service attacks to overwhelm a firm’s cy ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: denial of service attack IT security risk management IT security threat extensible markup language
Methods: artificial neural network descriptive statistic logistic regression k-nearest neighbor support vector machine
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Rubio-Medrano, Carlos E.; Soundrapandian, Pradeep Kumar Duraisamy; Hill, Matthew; Claramunt, Luis; Baek, Jaejong; S, Geetha; Ahn, Gail-Joon
Abstract: Android applications are extremely popular, as they are widely used for banking, ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: mobile application Android bring your own device digital distribution mobile application market
Methods: experimental task computational algorithm experiment design artifact literature study
2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bräker, Julia; Semmann, Martin
Abstract: Augmented reality (AR) can foster service innovation and thus cope with some of ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: augmented reality computer hardware logistics management smart device mobile application
Methods: design framework case study qualitative interview design artifact survey
2022 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Mu-Yen; Fan, Min-Hsuan; Huang, Li-Xiang
Abstract: In recent years, vehicular networks have become increasingly large, heterogeneou ... Expand
Semantic filters: extensible markup language
Topics: extensible markup language enterprise architecture Python open source evaluation criteria
Methods: machine learning deep learning experiment convolutional neural network TensorFlow