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Found 1519 articles
  • AI Washing: The Framing Effect of Labels on Algorithmic Advice Utilization

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Leffrang, Dirk; Mueller, Oliver

    Abstract: Many researchers and practitioners see artificial intelligence as a game change ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: artificial intelligence decision making individual characteristic user experience user behavior

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment survey longitudinal research within subject experiment

  • Powerlessness Also Corrupts: Lower Power Increases Self-Promotional Lying


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Li, Huisi (Jessica); Chen, Ya-Ru; Hildreth, John Angus D.

    Abstract: The popular maxim holds that power corrupts, and research to date supports the v ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: anonymity consumer behavior missing data electronic mail website

    Methods: survey mediation analysis parametric test chi squared test survey design

    Theories: self construal theory

  • The puzzle of experience vs. memory: Peak-end theory and strategic gamification design in M-commerce


    2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Li, Manning; Jiang, Zhenhui (Jack); Ma, Guanghui

    Abstract: As businesses increasingly use gamified mobile marketing campaign (GMMC) systems ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: electronic data interchange marketing management user experience gamification systems design

    Methods: experiment electroencephalography survey multivariate analysis of variance survey design

    Theories: technology acceptance model flow theory self determination theory theory of planned behavior

  • Between Attention and Portfolio Adjustment: Insights from Machine Learning-based Risk Preference Assessment

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Li, Xin; Rai, Arun; Song, Qingping; Xu, Sean Xin

    Abstract: Financial firms recommend products to customers, intending to gain their attent ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: decision making analytical information system electronic finance web page online banking

    Methods: field experiment experimental group machine learning XGBoost digital trace data

  • Beyond the First Offer: Decoding Negotiation Openings and Their Impact on Economic and Subjective Outcomes


    2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Lipp, Wolfram E.; Smolinski, Remigiusz; Kesting, Peter

    Abstract: First offers play a significant role in negotiations as they anchor negotiators’ ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: Apple iPhone decision making data quality

    Methods: experiment statistical hypothesis test simulation statistical power analysis regression analysis method

    Theories: behavioral economics

  • The Negative Spillover Effect of Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS) on Opioid Epidemic

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Liu, Xiaoyu; Kyung, Nakyung

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: electronic prescription pandemic health information system

    Methods: experimental group longitudinal research difference in differences quantitative observational study propensity score matching

  • When and Why Consumers Respond to Online Privacy Violations

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 1

    Authors: Tran, Chi; Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong

    Abstract: As consumer privacy concerns become paramount, it is increasingly critical to un ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: privacy Twitter Facebook data breach privacy behavior

    Methods: qualitative content analysis theory development mixed method experiment parametric test

    Theories: self determination theory

  • Using blockchain to signal quality in the food supply chain: The impact on consumer purchase intentions and the moderating effect of brand familiarity


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Treiblmaier, Horst; Garaus, Marion

    Abstract: Food safety is a public health issue of paramount importance. In this regard, bl ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: blockchain supply chain management marketing management supply chain management system systems design

    Methods: experiment survey mediation analysis chi squared test experimental group

    Theories: signaling theory

  • How product review voting is influenced by existing votes, consumer involvement, review valence, and review diagnosticity


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Tseng, Shih-Lun; Lu, Shuya; Weathers, Danny; Grover, Varun

    Abstract: Websites that allow consumers to post online reviews often allow others to signa ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: online review Reddit Twitter electronic commerce user-generated content

    Methods: computational algorithm longitudinal research longitudinal experiment statistical hypothesis test parametric test

    Theories: signaling theory

  • CATCHM: A novel network-based credit card fraud detection method using node representation learning


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Van Belle, Rafaël; Baesens, Bart; De Weerdt, Jochen

    Abstract: Advanced fraud detection systems leverage the digital traces from (credit-card) ... Expand

    Semantic filters: experimental design

    Topics: fraud detection credit card fraud privacy business process management electronic mail

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment machine learning feature engineering literature study