2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 1
Authors: Almaqableh, Laith; Wallace, Damien; Pereira, Vijay; Ramiah, Vikash; Wood, Geoffrey; Veron, Jose Francisco; Moosa, Imad; Watson, Alastair
Abstract: Following the rampant increase in Bitcoin prices, there has been a proliferation ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: cryptocurrency Bitcoin criminality price management Ethereum
Methods: event study longitudinal research robustness check literature study econometric modeling
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hu, Chuanbo; Liu, Bin; Ye, Yanfang; Li, Xin
Abstract: Social networks have become important platforms for the marketing and sale of il ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: Instagram social media Google+ artificial intelligence advertising management
Methods: BERT case study machine learning deep learning semi-supervised learning
2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 1
Authors: Kwak, Dong-Heon (Austin); Ma, Xiao; Kim, Sumin
Abstract: Social desirability (SD) bias occurs in self-report surveys when subjects give s ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: internet addiction perceived usefulness mobile system information technology addiction information system use
Methods: survey chi squared test factor analysis descriptive statistic data transformation
2021 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Pourhabibi, Tahereh; Ong, Kok-Leong; Kam, Booi H.; Boo, Yee Ling
Abstract: Timely identification of terrorist networks within civilian populations could as ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: terrorist incident MapReduce IS problem communication service infrastructure knowledge sharing
Methods: computational algorithm agglomerative hierarchical clustering experiment cross sectional research literature study
2020 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Aleskerov, Fuad; Gavrilenkova, Irina; Shvydun, Sergey; Yakuba, Vyacheslav
Abstract: Since 9/11, terrorism has become a global issue of the twenty-first century. Ter ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: terrorist incident database system individual characteristic armed conflict
2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Smith, Reagan C; Frank, Richard
Abstract: International trafficking of drugs enabled by the dark-web is still a problem de ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: darknet knowledge sharing Reddit logistics management spreadsheet
2014 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Sosa, M. Lourdes
Abstract: Current literature demonstrates that, at least initially, incumbents invest less ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: research and development database system organization structure risk management information systems strategy
Methods: qualitative interview archival research case study experiment statistical hypothesis test
Theories: options theory
2011 | Organization Science | Citations: 9
Authors: Sosa, M. Lourdes
Abstract: Research in creative destruction has argued that competence-destroying discontin ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: research and development competitive advantage innovation management missing data mergers and acquisition
Methods: qualitative interview experiment statistical hypothesis test descriptive statistic triangulation
Theories: resource based view of the firm
2008 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Brungs, Angela; Winchester, Donald; Stephens, Greg; Smith, Stephen
Abstract: This paper addresses three main areas and develops a conceptual framework for id ... Expand
Semantic filters: drugs economy
Topics: identity theft criminality biometric anonymity terrorist incident
Methods: qualitative interview literature study personal interview conceptual modelling grounded theory