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Found 28 articles
  • Decision model to design a blockchain-based system for storing sensitive health data

    2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Erler, Christina; Schinle, Markus; Dietrich, Michael; Stork, Wilhelm

    Abstract: The storage and sharing of sensitive health data in Blockchain-based systems im ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain healthcare data computer data storage data protection JavaScript

    Methods: design artifact structured literature research literature study computational algorithm machine learning

  • Combining Graph Exploration and Fragmentation for Scalable RDF Query Processing


    2021 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Khelil, Abdallah; Mesmoudi, Amin; Galicia, Jorge; Bellatreche, Ladjel; Hacid, Mohand-Saïd; Coquery, Emmanuel

    Abstract: The flexibility offered by the Resource Description Framework (RDF) has led it t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: computer hardware Neo4j graph database structured query language database system

    Methods: experiment computational algorithm leading question literature study

  • Distributed ledger technology: Its evolutionary path and the road ahead


    2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 6

    Authors: Perdana, Arif; Robb, Alastair; Balachandran, Vivek; Rohde, Fiona

    Abstract: Various arguments for and against distributed ledger technology (DLT) appear in ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: Bitcoin blockchain cryptocurrency digital news electronic payment

    Methods: LexisNexis sentiment analysis machine learning natural language processing qualitative content analysis

  • A permissioned blockchain-based implementation of LMSR prediction markets


    2020 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Carvalho, Arthur

    Abstract: Since the seminal work by Hanson (2003), the Logarithmic Market Scoring Rule (LM ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain privacy Hyperledger Ethereum research and development

    Methods: design science simulation design artifact modeling language

  • Blind Spots in Business and Information Systems Engineering


    2019 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 7

    Authors: Hinz, Oliver; van der Aalst, Wil M. P.; Weinhardt, Christof

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: business process management distributed storage blockchain distributed database

    Methods: machine learning theory development


    2019 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Seebacher, Stefan; Schüritz, Ronny

    Abstract: In expectation of an impending technological disruption, organizations get fami ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain systems implementation database system technology adoption diffusion of innovation

    Methods: qualitative interview structured literature research qualitative coding qualitative content analysis personal interview

    Theories: institutional theory

  • Discovering Blockchain for Sustainable Product-Service Systems to enhance the Circular Economy

    2019 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Vogel, Jannis; Hagen, Simon; Thomas, Oliver

    Abstract: An increasing amount of use cases is discovered for blockchain technology, since ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain data encryption public key encryption distributed storage distributed database

    Methods: literature study structured literature research

  • Gait-Based Identification Using Wearables in the Personal Fog

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Walter, Charles; Gamble, Rose F

    Abstract: Wearables are becoming more computationally powerful, with increased sensing and ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: smart wearable device electronic authentication mobile system mobile application Bluetooth

    Methods: descriptive statistic wearables based research archival research

  • Exploring How Blockchain Impacts Loyalty Program Participation Behaviors: An Exploratory Case Study

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 2

    Authors: Wang, Lu; Hua, Ying; Wang, Jing

    Abstract: How to keep customers motivated in participative behaviors remains one major cha ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain intrinsic motivation distributed database distributed storage peer-to-peer model

    Methods: case study qualitative interview conceptual modelling

    Theories: self determination theory

  • Unveiling the interplay between blockchain and loyalty program participation: A qualitative approach based on Bubichain


    2019 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 7

    Authors: Wang, Lu; Luo, Xin (Robert); Lee, Frank

    Abstract: Keeping motivated customers partaking in point exchange activities is a major ch ... Expand

    Semantic filters: distributed storage

    Topics: blockchain peer-to-peer model intrinsic motivation information management value creation

    Methods: qualitative interview case study qualitative coding theory development personal interview

    Theories: self determination theory