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Found 32 articles
  • No matter what the name, we’re all the same? Examining ethnic online discrimination in ridesharing marketplaces


    2022 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0

    Authors: Abramova, Olga

    Abstract: Sharing marketplaces emerged as the new Holy Grail of value creation by enabling ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: ride sharing platform sharing platform pseudonymity electronic market mobile application

    Methods: simulation experiment discrete choice experiment survey triangulation

    Theories: economic theory

  • Uncovering the digitalization impact on consumer decision-making for checking accounts in banking


    2022 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0

    Authors: Dehnert, Maik; Schumann, Josephine

    Abstract: Checking account providers must understand the importance of digital and non-dig ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: customer service innovation management electronic finance digital service social influence

    Methods: experiment survey partial least squares path modeling discrete choice experiment computational algorithm

  • Perceived fairness of direct-to-consumer genetic testing business models


    2022 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0

    Authors: Toussaint, Philipp A.; Thiebes, Scott; Schmidt-Kraepelin, Manuel; Sunyaev, Ali

    Abstract: Although consumers and experts often express concerns regarding the questionable ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: business model privacy internet technology computer data storage price management

    Methods: survey experiment discrete choice experiment factorial experiment logistic regression

  • Digital Map Complexity and Behavioral Consistency in Mobility Information Systems

    2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Willnat, Mathias; Lembcke, Tim-Benjamin; Menck, Jannes; Kegel, Felix; Prinz, Christoph

    Abstract: Digitally enabled mobility services and their associated information systems (I ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: task complexity mobile application decision making information system use

    Methods: experiment Mann Whitney U test nonparametric test Student's t-test survey

  • Online information privacy and price: A theoretical model and empirical tests


    2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 3

    Authors: Wu, Zhiyan; Luo, Jifeng

    Abstract: Information privacy has become an increasingly critical concern for many individ ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: privacy electronic commerce logistics management vertical differentiation website

    Methods: experiment survey regression analysis method discrete choice experiment hierarchical linear modeling

    Theories: lemon market theory

  • Disentangling the Effects of Instructor Credibility Cues in Bolstering Learners’ Engagement with Health Short Videos

    2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Yu, Mengli; Jiang, Na; Lim, Eric; Tan, Chee-Wee

    Abstract: With the rapid development of mobile short-video platforms, viewers have greate ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: application programming interface social presence data quality Python

    Methods: computational algorithm deep learning facial recognition system biometric measurement discrete choice experiment

    Theories: social presence theory

  • Privacy and the Internet of Things−An experiment in discrete choice


    2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Goad, David; Collins, Andrew T.; Gal, Uri

    Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that everyday devices are connected ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: privacy mobile system internet of things information privacy concern fitness tracker

    Methods: survey statistical hypothesis test experimental design literature study experiment

    Theories: privacy calculus theory personality theory social cognitive theory endowment effect information boundary theory


    2020 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Abramova, Olga

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: ride sharing platform sharing platform mobile application willingness to pay pseudonymity

    Methods: simulation experiment survey discrete choice experiment factorial experiment

    Theories: economic theory

  • Introduction to the minitrack on Disaster Information, Technology, and Resilience in Digital Government

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Benaben, Frederick; Sakurai, Mihoko; Tapia, Andrea

    Abstract: The 21st Century has been termed "the century of disasters." Worldwide there we ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: IS management emergency management

    Methods: theory development case study discrete choice experiment

    Theories: technological frames of reference

  • Drivers of Supplier Participation in Ride-Hailing Platforms


    2020 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hong, Soo Jeong; Bauer, Johannes M.; Lee, Kwangjin; Granados, Nelson F.

    Abstract: Ride-hailing platforms such as Uber offer service suppliers more flexible work c ... Expand

    Semantic filters: discrete choice experiment

    Topics: ride sharing platform digital platform sharing platform logistics management privacy

    Methods: experiment survey discrete choice experiment qualitative interview experimental design