2016 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 26
Authors: Ullah, Rahat; Amblee, Naveen; Kim, Wonjoon; Lee, Hyunjong
Abstract: Word-of-mouth (WOM) in the form of online customer reviews has received consider ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: experience good online word of mouth online review marketing management new product development
Methods: natural language processing computational algorithm product review parametric test ANOVA
Theories: lemon market theory discrepancy theory
2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 2
Authors: Yue, Yanzhen; Jiang, Zhenhui
Abstract: This study explores the emerging phenomenon of collaborative online shopping by ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: decision quality website electronic commerce experience good internet technology
Methods: post-hoc analysis Scheffe test ANOVA parametric test partial least squares regression
Theories: illusion of control adaptation-level theory discrepancy theory
2012 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Chang, Christina Ling-Hsing; Jiang, James J.; Klein, Gary; Chen, Houn-Gee
Abstract: Previous models of turnover by IT professionals consider job satisfaction as a k ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: IT personell turnover IT workforce IT career job satisfaction social identity
Methods: qualitative interview personal interview qualitative coding multiple case study
Theories: discrepancy theory
2010 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Madsen, Sabine; Matook, Sabine
Abstract: Agile information systems development (ISD) is a people-centered approach that e ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: agile software development Scrum
Methods: design methodology theory development case study
Theories: discrepancy theory
2007 | Information & Management | Citations: 14
Authors: Boyd, Michael; Huang, Shi-Ming; Jiang, James J.; Klein, Gary
Abstract: Evaluation of IS professionals is difficult. Measures are seldom fully defined a ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: IT workforce IT career user satisfaction task productivity IT job
Methods: ANOVA parametric test survey statistical hypothesis test confirmatory factor analysis
Theories: discrepancy theory
2002 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 38
Authors: Jiang, James J.; Klein, Gary
Abstract: Turnover of information system (IS) personnel is a critical problem for organiza ... Expand
Semantic filters: discrepancy theory
Topics: IT career entrepreneurship IT workforce organizational commitment IT job
Methods: survey ANOVA parametric test regression analysis method exact binomial test
Theories: discrepancy theory