2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 6
Authors: Ahuja, Suchit; Chan, Yolande E.; Krishnamurthy, Rashmi
Abstract: Marginalized communities globally encounter grand challenges such as lack of acc ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: digital platform mobile application social media innovation management business model
Methods: qualitative interview theory development case study triangulation archival research
Theories: theory of economic development
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Arikenbi, Temitayo; Boell, Sebastian; Li, Yan; Thomas, Manoj
Abstract: Information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) research are i ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: information and communication technology for development digital divide
Methods: case study
Theories: theory of change
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Bertot, J.; Lazar, J.; Barbosa, S.
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: digital divide technology adoption pandemic information system use government system
Methods: literature study cross sectional research
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Chikomba, A.; Goudling, A.; Sanderson, L.; Sylvester, A.; Campbell-Meier, J.
Abstract: Older adults, as a group, have been the focus of considerable attention from di ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: digital divide internet technology database system spreadsheet
Methods: literature sample qualitative interview focus group literature study theory development
2023 | ACM SIGMIS Database | Citations: 0
Authors: Deng, Xuefei (Nancy)
Abstract: In this editorial, I hope to start the conversation on the deepening digital div ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: digital divide IT skill problem solving
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Dwivedi, Yogesh K.; Kshetri, Nir; Hughes, Laurie; Rana, Nripendra P.; Baabdullah, Abdullah M.; Kar, Arpan Kumar; Koohang, Alex; Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel; Belei, Nina; Balakrishnan, Janarthanan; Basu, Sriparna; Behl, Abhishek; Davies, Gareth H.; Dutot, Vincent; Dwivedi, Rohita; Evans, Leighton; Felix, Reto; Foster-Fletcher, Richard; Giannakis, Mihalis; Gupta, Ashish; Hinsch, Chris; Jain, Animesh; Jane Patel, Nina; Jung, Timothy; Juneja, Satinder; Kamran, Qeis; Mohamed AB, Sanjar; Pandey, Neeraj; Papagiannidis, Savvas; Raman, Ramakrishnan; Rauschnabel, Philipp A.; Tak, Preeti; Taylor, Alexandra; tom Dieck, M. Claudia; Viglia, Giampaolo; Wang, Yichuan; Yan, Meiyi
Abstract: The Metaverse has the potential to form the next pervasive computing archetype t ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: virtual reality privacy unintended consequence artificial intelligence IT security
Methods: digital trace data computational algorithm design guideline synthesis ethnography
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Dwivedi, Yogesh K.; Kshetri, Nir; Hughes, Laurie; Slade, Emma Louise; Jeyaraj, Anand; Kar, Arpan Kumar; Baabdullah, Abdullah M.; Koohang, Alex; Raghavan, Vishnupriya; Ahuja, Manju; Albanna, Hanaa; Albashrawi, Mousa Ahmad; Al-Busaidi, Adil S.; Balakrishnan, Janarthanan; Barlette, Yves; Basu, Sriparna; Bose, Indranil; Brooks, Laurence; Buhalis, Dimitrios; Carter, Lemuria; Chowdhury, Soumyadeb; Crick, Tom; Cunningham, Scott W.; Davies, Gareth H.; Davison, Robert M.; Dé, Rahul; Dennehy, Denis; Duan, Yanqing; Dubey, Rameshwar; Dwivedi, Rohita; Edwards, John S.; Flavián, Carlos; Gauld, Robin; Grover, Varun; Hu, Mei-Chih; Janssen, Marijn; Jones, Paul; Junglas, Iris; Khorana, Sangeeta; Kraus, Sascha; Larsen, Kai R.; Latreille, Paul; Laumer, Sven; Malik, F. Tegwen; Mardani, Abbas; Mariani, Marcello; Mithas, Sunil; Mogaji, Emmanuel; Nord, Jeretta Horn; O’Connor, Siobhan; Okumus, Fevzi; Pagani, Margherita; Pandey, Neeraj; Papagiannidis, Savvas; Pappas, Ilias O.; Pathak, Nishith; Pries-Heje, Jan; Raman, Ramakrishnan; Rana, Nripendra P.; Rehm, Sven-Volker; Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel; Richter, Alexander; Rowe, Frantz; Sarker, Suprateek; Stahl, Bernd Carsten; Tiwari, Manoj Kumar; Van Der Aalst, Wil; Venkatesh, Viswanath; Viglia, Giampaolo; Wade, Michael; Walton, Paul; Wirtz, Jochen; Wright, Ryan
Abstract: ☆ This editorial opinion paper provides a subjective viewpoint on the potential ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: artificial intelligence generative AI Twitter privacy innovation management
Methods: chatGPT chatbot generative pre-trained transformer literature study language model
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Fenner, Chad; Noteboom, Cherie; El-Gayar, Omar
Abstract: The digital divide continues to be an issue for many Native American individual ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: digital divide internet technology information system use digital literacy IT skill
Methods: qualitative interview grounded theory qualitative coding personal interview literature study
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Heinz, Daniel; Hu, Mingli; Benz, Carina; Satzger, Gerhard
Abstract: Creating and delivering products and services that promote sustainability is in ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: innovation management business process innovation IS discipline mobile health digital service
Methods: literature sample structured literature research literature study qualitative content analysis synthesis
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 1
Authors: Holzmann, Patrick; Gregori, Patrick
Abstract: Research on sustainable entrepreneurship increasingly recognizes the transformat ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital divide
Topics: business model entrepreneurship big data mobile application green IS
Methods: structured literature research theory development literature study longitudinal research machine learning
Theories: sociomaterialism theory