2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Adam, Martin; Reinelt, Annika; Roethke, Konstantin
Abstract: To motivate visitors to engage with websites, e-tailers widely employ monetary r ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: website electronic mail electronic commerce gamification website design
Methods: experiment randomized field experiment survey experimental task mixed method
Theories: cognitive evaluation theory self determination theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Agarwal, Shiva; Kapoor, Rahul
Abstract: Complementary assets play an important role in shaping an innovation’s commercia ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: mobile application innovation management value creation Apple iPhone iOS
Methods: statistical hypothesis test instrumental variables estimation cross sectional research proportional hazards model robustness check
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Amat-Lefort, N.; Barnes, S.
Abstract: In today's fast-paced world, where time is our most valuable asset, convenience ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: user satisfaction customer satisfaction mobile application user-generated content crowdsourcing
Methods: natural language processing topic model exploratory data analysis ANOVA parametric test
Theories: attribution theory
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Ballerini, Jacopo; Herhausen, Dennis; Ferraris, Alberto
Abstract: To cope with the digital transition exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, manage ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: electronic commerce affordance user experience entrepreneurship usability
Methods: survey qualitative interview structural equation modeling data transformation personal interview
Theories: theory of affordance
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Fard Bahreini, Amir; Cavusoglu, Hasan; Cenfetelli, Ronald T.
Abstract: The increasing use of information technology artifacts in daily life makes secur ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: mobile application data security decision making self efficacy mobile application market
Methods: survey descriptive statistic structural equation modeling literature study post-hoc analysis
Theories: theory of bounded rationality
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 2
Authors: Fürstenau, Daniel; Baiyere, Abayomi; Schewina, Kai; Schulte-Althoff, Matthias; Rothe, Hannes
Abstract: The assumption that generativity engenders unbounded growth has acquired an almo ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: digital platform innovation management open source electronic commerce accounting
Methods: longitudinal research Granger causality time series analysis Student's t-test parametric test
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Heimburg, Vincent; Schmitt, Julian; Wiesche, Manuel
Abstract: Digital platform research focuses on the mechanisms in digital platform ecosyst ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: digital ecosystem closed platform value creation participatory design electronic market
Methods: qualitative coding design methodology qualitative content analysis memoing grounded theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Hoffmann, Philipp; Shmagina, Veronika; Halckenhaeusser, André; Lueker, Nele
Abstract: We study how user feedback affects innovation of multihomed applications within ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: innovation management Android iOS mobile application mobile application market
Methods: natural language processing case study word2vec NLTK theoretical contribution
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsu, Pei-Fang; Nguyen, Tuan (Kellan); Wang, Chen-Ya; Huang, Pei-Ju
Abstract: The emergence of Chatbots has attracted many firms to sell their merchandise via ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: mobile application task complexity electronic commerce technology adoption recommender system
Methods: chatbot experiment qualitative interview chi squared test survey
Theories: cognitive load theory
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsu, Chia-Lin
Abstract: Advances in and increased access to mobile technology have prompted businesses t ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution
Topics: gamification mobile application marketing management consumer behavior affordance
Methods: survey theory development data transformation SEM tool confirmatory factor analysis