2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Ameen, Nisreen; Madichie, Nnamdi O.; Anand, Amitabh
Abstract: There is a wide gender gap in developing countries due to a range of cultural, e ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: smartphone mobile system mobile application entrepreneurship marketing management
Methods: qualitative interview theoretical contribution personal interview synthesis mathematical model
Theories: theory of economic development
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Agbeko, Michael; Effah, John; Boateng, Richard
Abstract: Digital transformation in the public sector offers opportunities for developing ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: procurement management digital transformation digital platform Python structured query language
Methods: qualitative interview case study field study
Theories: activity theory
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Arayankalam, Jithesh; Krishnan, Satish
Abstract: There is a broad consensus that social media platforms have become critical tool ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: social media IT investment internet technology IT skill technology diffusion
Methods: longitudinal research regression analysis method post-hoc analysis cross sectional research archival research
Theories: theory of everything
2023 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0
Authors: Bakhos Douaihy, Houanyda; Rowe, Frantz
Abstract: As banks face heightened levels of regulatory challenges, many of them, especial ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: decision making terrorist incident criminality IS discipline electronic finance
Methods: qualitative interview field study qualitative content analysis literature study theoretical contribution
Theories: institutional theory technology acceptance theory
2023 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Buck, Christoph; Krombacher, Anna; Röglinger, Maximilian; Körner-Wyrtki, Katrin
Abstract: Digital social innovation (DSI) offers incumbents a strategic field of action to ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: innovation management societal challenge database system value creation digital innovation
Methods: literature sample cluster analysis agglomerative hierarchical clustering structured literature research theory development
Theories: information systems theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Buzzacchi, Luigi; Milone, Francesco Luigi; Paolucci, Emilio; Raguseo, Elisabetta
Abstract: We investigate the way service providers who operate on an online peer-to-peer ( ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: pandemic Airbnb marketing management price management peer-to-peer model
Methods: econometric modeling descriptive statistic instrumental variables estimation robustness check longitudinal research
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Ting; Sun, Ting; Duan, Yaoqing; Ahmad, Farhan
Abstract: With the explosive growth of mobile phone users, individuals are getting used t ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: behavioral intention user acceptance social influence service quality technology adoption
Methods: meta analysis correlation analysis survival analysis descriptive statistic literature sample
Theories: theory of economic development technology acceptance model unified theory of acceptance and use of technology technology acceptance theory extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Chou, Yen-Chun; Shao, Benjamin B. M.
Abstract: Information technology (IT) is a critical resource and asset for a firm’s intern ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: information technology capability electronic commerce website information technology infrastructure logistics management
Methods: survey chi squared test descriptive statistic econometric modeling regression analysis method
Theories: organizational information processing theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Chowdhury, Misbah; Sui, Sui; Morgan, Horatio; Li, Dandan
Abstract: Recent studies recognize that relational capital helps manufacturing firms in Gl ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: organizational productivity manufacturing information system knowledge sharing
Methods: survey PLS tool data transformation confirmatory factor analysis
Theories: contingency theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Deng, Yipu; Zheng, Jinyang; Huang, Liqiang; Kannan, Karthik
Abstract: We collaborated with a leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturer t ... Expand
Semantic filters: developing country
Topics: artificial intelligence organizational value cost benefit analysis mobile application human AI collaboration
Methods: experimental group field experiment qualitative interview experiment quasi experiment