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Found 38 articles
  • Design Principles for National Innovation Agencies in Social Market Economies


    2023 | DESRIST | Citations: 0

    Authors: Lehmann, David M.; Salenius, Viktor M.

    Abstract: This paper reports on a design science research project that develops a design f ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: innovation management decision making technology diffusion knowledge base

    Methods: design science design principle case study design framework qualitative interview

  • A Self-Regulated Learning Approach to Educational Recommender Design

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: McNett, Alicia; Noteboom, Cherie

    Abstract: The field of education has the potential to better facilitate student learning ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: IS problem

    Methods: survey computational algorithm design science machine learning design principle

    Theories: theory of task technology fit information systems theory learning theory

  • A framework for applying ethics-by-design to decision support systems for emergency management


    2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0

    Authors: Nussbaumer, Alexander; Pope, Andrew; Neville, Karen

    Abstract: The development and utilisation of new information and communication technologie ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: decision support system systems design decision making research and development privacy

    Methods: focus group design process literature study design principle design framework

  • Unlocking the Power of Voice for Financial Risk Prediction: A Theory-Driven Deep Learning Design Approach

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Yang, Yi; Qin, Yu; Fan, Yangyang; Zhang, Zhongju

    Abstract: Unstructured multimedia data (text and audio) provides unprecedented opportunit ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: database system enterprise information system website accounting social media

    Methods: deep learning experiment meta design machine learning design artifact

    Theories: transaction cost economics communication theory

  • Explaining the Outcomes of Social Gamification: A Longitudinal Field Experiment


    2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 1

    Authors: Zhang, Jun; Jiang, Qiqi; Zhang, Wenping; Kang, Lele; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Zhang, Xiong

    Abstract: Social gamification, which allows technology users to interact with each other i ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: gamification mobile application pandemic geographic information system electronic mail

    Methods: field experiment experimental group longitudinal research design artifact survey

  • Free Ride in Rush-hour Traffic – Designing Gamified Smart Mobility Systems for Sustainable Use

    2022 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Anschütz, Christian; Ebner, Katharina; Smolnik, Stefan

    Abstract: A large proportion of traffic congestion can be attributed to daily commute. Wh ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: mobile application gamification smart city personalization usability

    Methods: design artifact literature study survey design principle design science

  • Increasing user engagement on blockchain applications through persuasive design


    2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Knott, Manuel; Mayer, Anne-Sophie; Strich, Franz; Fiedler, Marina

    Abstract: Blockchain gives rise to many new applications and use cases and has already mar ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: blockchain mobile application website Telegram Twitter

    Methods: qualitative interview design science design process design principle theoretical contribution

  • Assessing and Enhancing Adversarial Robustness of Predictive Analytics: An Empirically Tested Design Framework


    2022 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Li, Weifeng; Chai, Yidong

    Abstract: As predictive analytics increasingly applies supervised machine learning (SML) m ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: email spam electronic mail artificial intelligence decision making risk management

    Methods: machine learning ensemble learning experiment computational algorithm meta design

    Theories: technology threat avoidance theory

  • Designing a feature selection method based on explainable artificial intelligence


    2022 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 7

    Authors: Zacharias, Jan; von Zahn, Moritz; Chen, Johannes; Hinz, Oliver

    Abstract: Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) systems make predictions in numerous high ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: shapley additive explanation explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence evaluation criteria ease of use

    Methods: design principle design artifact design framework design science focus group

  • Leading Agents or Stewards? Exploring Design Principles for Empowerment through Workplace Technologies

    2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Gierlich-Joas, Maren; Zieglmeier, Valentin; Neuburger, Rahild; Hess, Thomas

    Abstract: Workplace technologies lead to increasing levels of transparency for managers a ... Expand

    Semantic filters: design principle design framework

    Topics: knowledge base research and development innovation management IT leadership software developer

    Methods: qualitative interview literature study design science design requirement design artifact

    Theories: stewardship theory lemon market theory