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Found 15 articles
  • Systems Savvy: Practical Intelligence for Transformation of Sociotechnical Systems


    2019 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Griffith, Terri L.; Sawyer, John E.; Poole, M. Scott

    Abstract: Systems savvy, a new construct derived from foundations of practical intelligenc ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: implicit knowledge virtual teamwork IT supported collaboration systems design sensemaking

    Methods: survey descriptive statistic qualitative interview Student's t-test focus group

    Theories: sociotechnical systems theory socio technical theory theory of everything

  • How does e-mail use affect perceived control of time?


    2014 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Huang, Eugenia Y.; Lin, Sheng-Wei

    Abstract: It is well established in the psychology literature that personality predicts pe ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: electronic mail self efficacy personality knowledge work human resource management

    Methods: data transformation exploratory factor analysis survey confirmatory factor analysis focus group

  • Discovering Unobserved Heterogeneity in Structural Equation Models to Avert Validity Threats

    2013 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 61

    Authors: Becker, Jan-Michael; Rai, Arun; Ringle, Christian M.; Völckner, Franziska

    Abstract: A large proportion of information systems research is concerned with developing ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: mobile phone Microsoft Windows service quality ease of use group support system

    Methods: partial least squares regression partial least squares path modeling simulation structural equation modeling computational algorithm

    Theories: technology acceptance model SERVQUAL


    2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Gimpel, Henner; Nißen, Marcia; Görlitz, Roland A

    Abstract: A new generation of patient-driven healthcare information systems (HIS) is emerg ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: blog personality health information system web page Twitter

    Methods: survey data transformation principal component analysis confirmatory factor analysis self quantification

  • Expressed Humility in Organizations: Implications for Performance, Teams, and Leadership


    2013 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Owens, Bradley P.; Johnson, Michael D.; Mitchell, Terence R.

    Abstract: We draw on eight different lab and field samples to delineate the effects of exp ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: job satisfaction self efficacy organizational context personality IT personell turnover

    Methods: regression analysis method literature study statistical hypothesis test survey robustness check

    Theories: big five model organizational behavior theory

  • Service Quality in Software-as-a-Service: Developing the SaaS-Qual Measure and Examining Its Role in Usage Continuance

    2011 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Benlian, Alexander; Koufaris, Marios; Hess, Thomas

    Abstract: Despite the need to better understand how customers of software-as-a-service (Sa ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: software as a service service quality perceived usefulness IT manager electronic commerce

    Methods: survey data transformation qualitative interview card sorting survey design

    Theories: SERVQUAL expectation confirmation theory

  • Getting Everyone on Board: The Role of Inspirational Leadership in Geographically Dispersed Teams


    2009 | Organization Science | Citations: 47

    Authors: Joshi, Aparna; Lazarova, Mila B.; Liao, Hui

    Abstract: A rich body of research in the area of leadership has examined the influence of ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: team productivity virtual teamwork IT supported collaboration remote work task interdependence

    Methods: survey statistical hypothesis test data transformation company material factor analysis

    Theories: social identity theory

  • An empirical investigation of the key determinants of data warehouse adoption


    2008 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 43

    Authors: Ramamurthy, K. (Ram); Sen, Arun; Sinha, Atish P.

    Abstract: Data warehousing (DW) has emerged as one of the most powerful decision support t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: absorptive capacity innovation management logistics management organizational commitment data warehouse

    Methods: survey regression analysis method chi squared test SEM tool descriptive statistic

    Theories: organizational theory

  • Structural equation modeling the use of a risk assessment instrument in child protective services


    2007 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 1

    Authors: Fitch, Dale

    Abstract: Risk assessment instruments have been developed to help human service workers id ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: decision support system decision making missing data ease of use system reliability

    Methods: survey structural equation modeling focus group confirmatory factor analysis data transformation

  • A conceptual model for quality dimensions for b2c recommender systems

    2006 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bauernfeind, U; Mayr, T; Zins, A

    Abstract: During the last ten years numerous research instruments emerged for evaluating t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity degrees of freedom

    Topics: usability recommender system service quality personalization website

    Methods: survey structural equation modeling factor analysis SEM tool data transformation