2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Abdel-Karim, Benjamin; Pfeuffer, Nicolas; Carl, K. Valerie; Hinz, Oliver
Abstract: This paper addresses a thus-far neglected dimension in human-artificial intelli ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: artificial intelligence decision making decision support system algorithmic transparency recommender system
Methods: cognitive walkthrough survey theory development qualitative interview Student's t-test
Theories: learning theory information systems theory theory of abduction
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Abouei, Mahdi; Ansari, Kimia; Ghasemaghaei, Maryam
Abstract: Modern organizations are adopting Big Data-Driven (BDD) systems to obtain and s ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: decision making IS impact business process management
Methods: survey theory development cross sectional survey structural equation modeling cross sectional research
2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Adam, Martin; Reinelt, Annika; Roethke, Konstantin
Abstract: To motivate visitors to engage with websites, e-tailers widely employ monetary r ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: website electronic mail electronic commerce gamification website design
Methods: experiment randomized field experiment survey experimental task mixed method
Theories: cognitive evaluation theory self determination theory
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Aggarwal, Rohit; Lee, Michael J.; Midha, Vishal
Abstract: Recruitment is a critical activity for companies, and the research community has ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: social media electronic mail IS economics economic surplus IT workforce
Methods: experimental group survey field study factor analysis descriptive statistic
Theories: motivation theory
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Ahangama, Supunmali
Abstract: Virtual Social Networks (VSN) act as a catalyst for the success of the active pa ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: IT security decision making human resource management social network government system
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling cross sectional research mediation analysis archival research
Theories: protection motivation theory structuration theory
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Alashoor, Tawfiq; Keil, Mark; Smith, H. Jeff; McConnell, Allen R.
Abstract: The confluence of digital transactions, growing cybersecurity threats, and the i ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: information privacy concern privacy decision making mobile application task productivity
Methods: experiment descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test theory development Student's t-test
Theories: elaboration likelihood model
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Alrefaei, Doaa; Sankar, Gaayathri; Norouzi Nia, Javad; Djamasbi, Soussan; Liu, Shichao; Strauss, Sarah; Gbetonmasse, Somasse
Abstract: Anxiety, one of the most common mental illnesses among American adults, is often ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: decision making innovation management
Methods: oculometry self reported survey regression analysis method survey experiment
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Alsaedi, Basmah; Newell, Sue; Gkeredakis, Emmanouil
Abstract: Intelligent technologies are increasingly used to evaluate and monitor performa ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: technological change systems development organizational change decision making business intelligence
Methods: qualitative interview single case study triangulation field study personal interview
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Alter, Steven
Abstract: This essay explains complementary frameworks for understanding and managing AI i ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: artificial intelligence accounting decision making
Methods: natural language processing literature sample simulation operations research computational algorithm
Theories: work systems theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 1
Authors: Alves, Marlon Fernandes Rodrigues; Vastola, Vincenzo; Vasconcelos Ribeiro Galina, Simone; Zollo, Maurizio
Abstract: Technological breakthroughs, institutional disruptions, and natural disasters of ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making
Topics: decision making strategic management innovation management problem solving task productivity
Methods: experiment longitudinal research parametric test ANOVA statistical hypothesis test
Theories: dual-system theory dynamic capabilities theory