2017 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 14
Authors: Lismont, Jasmien; Vanthienen, Jan; Baesens, Bart; Lemahieu, Wilfried
Abstract: a b s t r a c tThe ability to derive new insights from data using advanced mach ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis data management
Topics: electronic mail marketing intelligence electronic market marketing management social media
Methods: survey regression analysis method cluster analysis parametric test ANOVA
2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 10
Authors: Jetzek, Thorhildur; Avital, Michel; BjÃ, Niels
Abstract: A driving force for change in society is the trend towards Open Government Data ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis data management
Topics: innovation management world wide web open data IS economics economic surplus
Methods: partial least squares regression archival research survey conceptual modelling statistical power analysis
Theories: lemon market theory transaction cost economics theory of economic growth
2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Malladi, Suresh; Krishnan, M S
Abstract: While Business Intelligence & Analytics (BIA) applications are increasingly bein ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis data management
Topics: data management diffusion of innovation business function innovation management business process management
Methods: survey conceptual modelling literature study robustness check logistic regression
Theories: theory of everything