2022 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 1
Authors: Wong, Lai-Wan; Lee, Voon-Hsien; Tan, Garry Wei-Han; Ooi, Keng-Boon; Sohal, Amrik
Abstract: This paper investigates the role of general cybersecurity and cybersecurity poli ... Expand
Semantic filters: psychological ownership cybersecurity awareness
Topics: IT security cybersecurity awareness supply chain management self efficacy pandemic
Methods: qualitative interview survey conceptual modelling factor analysis partial least squares regression
Theories: protection motivation theory work systems theory
2021 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 2
Authors: Brehmer, Martin; Abbas, Antragama Ewa; Vaidyanathan, Nageswaran
Abstract: The risk of being impacted by a cyberattack is high, because of more profession ... Expand
Semantic filters: psychological ownership cybersecurity awareness
Topics: database system psychological ownership evaluation criteria email phishing IT security
Methods: design science literature study design requirement literature sample longitudinal research
Theories: flow theory protection motivation theory
2018 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Jaeger, Lennart; Eckhardt, Andreas
Abstract: Although prior information security research predominantly focuses on organizati ... Expand
Semantic filters: psychological ownership cybersecurity awareness
Topics: electronic mail data security top management support privacy cybersecurity awareness
Methods: field study partial least squares regression triangulation post-hoc analysis partial least squares path modeling
Theories: big five model