2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Bräker, J.; Semmann, M.
Abstract: The paper explores how scholars apply causal modeling to gain an understanding ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: augmented reality smart device graph database perceived usefulness Neo4j
Methods: structural equation modeling structured literature research literature study literature sample synthesis
Theories: technology acceptance model cue utilization theory extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
2020 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 15
Authors: Ye, Xuhong; Peng, Xixian; Wang, Xinwei; Teo, Hock-Hai
Abstract: Impressions at first glance matter in the digital world in that they could lead ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: web page website electronic commerce website design ease of use
Methods: oculometry structural equation modeling parametric test experiment repeated measures ANOVA
Theories: cue utilization theory human-computer interaction theory
2019 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ayaburi, Emmanuel; Andoh-Baidoo, Francis Kofi
Abstract: This preliminary study investigates individuals’ susceptibility in responding to ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: phishing electronic mail email phishing data security information system use
Methods: survey experiment factor analysis statistical hypothesis test
Theories: cue utilization theory
2019 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Bose, Indranil; Leung, Alvin Chung Man
Abstract: Identity theft has impaired e-commerce. To combat the crime, many identity theft ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: multi-factor authentication identity theft data security IT investment organizational value
Methods: longitudinal research event study cross sectional research robustness check nonparametric test
Theories: cue utilization theory capital asset pricing model
2018 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Löbbers, Julian; Siegfried
Abstract: IS certifications are frequently used measures to alleviate consumers’ concerns ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: electronic commerce privacy IS effectiveness marketing management database system
Methods: literature sample literature study structured literature research
Theories: signaling theory trust theory elaboration likelihood model theory of reasoned action social exchange theory
2018 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Wu, Ya-Ling; Hsiung, Chun-Yu
Abstract: The more information the linguistic symbol can convey, the better the effectiven ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: website web page marketing management decision making electronic commerce
Methods: experiment electroencephalography oculometry survey
Theories: cue utilization theory
2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Wu, Ya-Ling; Shih, Ying-Wei; Hsiung, Chun-Yu
Abstract: How do consumers assess product quality when confronted with multiple cues? This ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: decision making website electronic commerce web application
Methods: survey experiment PLS tool theory development
Theories: cue utilization theory
2016 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 4
Authors: Wang, Qiuzhen; Cui, Xiling; Huang, Liqiang; Dai, Yiling
Abstract: a b s t r a c tThis study examines the interaction effects of two types of cues ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: laptop computer web page website electronic commerce usability
Methods: oculometry experiment parametric test ANOVA Student's t-test
Theories: cue utilization theory
2014 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Shah, Mahmood Hussain; Peikari, Hamid Reza; Yasin, Norjaya M.
Abstract: a b s t r a c tDespite the critical role of individuals' perceived security in ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: website electronic commerce website design privacy data security
Methods: survey structural equation modeling SEM tool statistical hypothesis test survey design
Theories: theory of planned behavior cue utilization theory theory of reasoned action
2011 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Johnson, Nathan; Wells, John D
Abstract: As shopping through e-commerce portals continues to grow, personal information d ... Expand
Semantic filters: cue utilization theory
Topics: website electronic commerce data breach privacy
Methods: experiment
Theories: cue utilization theory