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Found 82 articles

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Funke, Christopher; Rothert-Schnell, Caroline; Walsh, Gianfranco; Mangiò, Federico; Pedeliento, Giuseppe; Takahashi, Ikuo

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: decision support system social media cross cultural research crowdsourcing

    Methods: factor analysis psychometrics confirmatory factor analysis descriptive statistic data transformation

  • Conceptualizing the quality of manager and data analyst relationship in a business intelligence context

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Pouani Kameni, Serges Martial; Guillemette, Manon; Levesque, Jessica

    Abstract: Investments in business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) are now at the heart ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: decision making analytical information system information exchange business intelligence marketing management

    Methods: qualitative interview survey literature sample data transformation confirmatory factor analysis

  • Novel role-wise attention mechanism for predicting purchases made through chat-based online customer services


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wang, Yajing; Chen, Gang; Xu, Yunjie (Calvin); Lu, Xianghua

    Abstract: Online chat has become a key channel for firms to provide pre-purchase customer ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: customer service social media online chat Python service-support information system

    Methods: machine learning BERT deep learning design artifact ablation analysis

  • Where Do Born Globals Come from? A Neoconfigurational Institutional Theory


    2022 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Fainshmidt, Stav; Smith, Adam W.; Aguilera, Ruth V.

    Abstract: Born globals, recently established firms that obtain a substantial share of thei ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: entrepreneurship financial information system accounting anonymity online learning system

    Methods: theory development survey robustness check survey design statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: institutional theory

  • Digital Competencies and IT Skills as Employees’ Resources to Cope with Digitalization Demands

    2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Merchel, Robin; Iqbal, Taskeen; Süße, Thomas; Knop, Sebastian

    Abstract: This empirical paper examines to what extent distinct IT skills (e.g., Microsof ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: IT skill technostress problem solving personality human resource management

    Methods: cluster analysis regression analysis method survey statistical power analysis data transformation

  • Exploring the Scientific Impact of Information Systems Design Science Research


    2021 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Wagner, Gerit; Prester, Julian; Schryen, Guido

    Abstract: While design science research has established its position as a prominent field ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: IS discipline data quality business process management relational database knowledge base

    Methods: bibliometric analysis co-citation analysis design theory computational algorithm design science

  • Understanding constant connectivity to work: How and for whom is constant connectivity related to employee well-being?


    2020 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0

    Authors: Büchler, Nadine; ter Hoeven, Claartje L.; van Zoonen, Ward

    Abstract: Over the past few decades, the widespread use of mobile work devices (MWDs: e.g. ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: remote work IT supported collaboration electronic mail anonymity mobile system

    Methods: chi squared test survey survey design factor analysis statistical hypothesis test

  • It All Starts with a Good Idea: A New Coding System for Analyzing Idea Finding Interactions (AIFI)

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Endrejat, Paul C; Meinecke, Annika L; Kauffeld, Simone

    Abstract: In today’s fast-changing world, teams need to develop a sound capacity for findi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: innovation management idea generation computer software design thinking

    Methods: experiment qualitative coding survey literature study design methodology

  • Systems Savvy: Practical Intelligence for Transformation of Sociotechnical Systems


    2019 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Griffith, Terri L.; Sawyer, John E.; Poole, M. Scott

    Abstract: Systems savvy, a new construct derived from foundations of practical intelligenc ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: implicit knowledge virtual teamwork IT supported collaboration systems design sensemaking

    Methods: survey descriptive statistic qualitative interview Student's t-test focus group

    Theories: sociotechnical systems theory socio technical theory theory of everything

  • Hotel selection using a modified TOPSIS-based decision support algorithm


    2019 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kwok, P. K.; Lau, Henry Y. K.

    Abstract: While many studies pointed out that travellers often consider a basket of factor ... Expand

    Semantic filters: criterion validity

    Topics: decision support computer software website recommender system big data

    Methods: trade-off analysis method TOPSIS experiment case study computational algorithm