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Found 491 articles
  • P2P lending and Natural Disasters: Is Altruistic Behavior conditional?

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Agrawal, Lavlin; Sharman, Raj; Tiu, Christian; Joenväärä, Juha

    Abstract: In the aftermath of natural disasters, borrowers seeking credit from traditiona ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: crowdsourcing natural hazard peer-to-peer lending peer-to-peer model LendingClub

    Methods: instrumental variables estimation experimental group sensitivity analysis ordinary least square robustness check

  • Relating Social Media Diffusion, Education Level and Cybersecurity Protection Mechanisms to E-Participation Initiatives: Insights from a Cross-Country Analysis


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ahangama, Supunmali

    Abstract: Virtual Social Networks (VSN) act as a catalyst for the success of the active pa ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: IT security decision making human resource management social network government system

    Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling cross sectional research mediation analysis archival research

    Theories: protection motivation theory structuration theory

  • ICT-Based Country-Level Determinants of Social Media Diffusion


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Arayankalam, Jithesh; Krishnan, Satish

    Abstract: There is a broad consensus that social media platforms have become critical tool ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: social media IT investment internet technology IT skill technology diffusion

    Methods: longitudinal research regression analysis method post-hoc analysis cross sectional research archival research

    Theories: theory of everything

  • When Does the Pre-entry Experience of New Entrants Improve Their Performance? A Meta-Analytical Investigation of Critical Moderators


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cao, Zhi; Posen, Hart E.

    Abstract: Although pre-entry experience is widely regarded as a critical asset that positi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: national culture organization learning entrepreneurship productivity research and development

    Methods: descriptive statistic hazard function meta analysis literature sample chi squared test

  • The Crisis in Local Newspapers and Organizational Wrongdoing: The Role of Community Social Connectedness


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Choi, Tony Jaehyun; Valente, Mike

    Abstract: Drawing on institutional anomie theory, we examine how the crisis in local newsp ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: digital news missing data decision making social capital database system

    Methods: descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test longitudinal research longitudinal data analysis hierarchical linear modeling

    Theories: organizational behavior theory

  • To Assert or Defend My Role as an OSS Developer: How IT Infrastructure Access Changes the Effect of Digital Platform Behavior on Firm Mobility

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Daniel, Sherae; Maruping, Likoebe; Zhao, Renzhi (Fred); Luu, Truong (Jack)

    Abstract: Increasingly firms seek and employ open source software (OSS) developers using ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: information technology infrastructure LinkedIn IT career digital platform communication service infrastructure

    Methods: archival research propensity score matching

  • Evaluating Effects of the Payment Ecosystem on Central Bank Digital Currency Adoption and Design

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Digiammaria, Chiara; Omarini, Anna; Kauffman, Robert; Kim, Kwansoo

    Abstract: CBDC has become a discussion topic with worldwide economic and societal relevanc ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: analytical information system digital innovation

    Methods: robustness check deep learning propensity score matching convolutional neural network causality analysis

  • Variations in the Corporate Social Responsibility-Performance Relationship in Emerging Market Firms


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Ramaswamy, Kannan

    Abstract: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its impact on performance have generat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: organizational productivity database system public good legal context societal evaluation criteria

    Methods: experimental group longitudinal research robustness check instrumental variables estimation difference in differences

    Theories: resource based view of the firm

  • Does IT Enable Collusion or Competition: Examining the Effects of IT on Service Pricing in Multimarket Multihospital Systems

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Du, Kui; Tanriverdi, Hüseyin

    Abstract: In the U.S., multihospital systems (MHSs) charge significantly higher prices fo ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: analytical information system operational information system database system health information system decision making

    Methods: theory development robustness check instrumental variables estimation longitudinal research data modeling

  • An Investigation of Marketing Compensation in Medicine: The Impact of the Information Disclosure Regulations

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Duan, Wenjing; Cheng, Sherri; Zhou, Wenqi

    Abstract: Pharmaceutical scandals frequently occupy national media headlines, and these co ... Expand

    Semantic filters: country level

    Topics: marketing management database system missing data data breach

    Methods: difference in differences self reported survey experimental group robustness check post analysis