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Found 53 articles
  • Businessperson or Technologist: Stock Market Reaction to the Alignment between CIO Background and Firm Strategy


    2022 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 1

    Authors: Banker, Rajiv D.; Feng, Cecilia; Pavlou, Paul A.

    Abstract: Chief Information Officers (CIOs) influence their firm's strategy implementation ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: Chief Information Officer accounting organizational productivity database system financial performance

    Methods: Capital IQ descriptive statistic data transformation Compustat factor analysis

    Theories: contingency theory

  • Digital at the edge – antecedents and performance effects of boundary resource deployment


    2022 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Zapadka, Patryk; Hanelt, André; Firk, Sebastian

    Abstract: With business ecosystems digitalizing by the force of digital innovation, the de ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: application programming interface IT skill organizational productivity database system accounting

    Methods: longitudinal research Wald test regression analysis method descriptive statistic autocorrelation analysis

    Theories: contingency theory

  • Pathways to individual performance: Examining the interplay between knowledge bases and repository kms use


    2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Iyengar, Kishen; Sweeney, Jeffrey; Montealegre, Ramiro

    Abstract: The aims of this study are to gain further insight into the contingent performan ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: information system use frequency of use knowledge base knowledge repository financial performance

    Methods: experiment robustness check descriptive statistic literature study data modeling

    Theories: social cognitive theory contingency theory

  • A Multilevel Contingency Model of Employee Ownership and Firm Productivity: The Moderating Roles of Industry Growth and Instability


    2021 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kim, Kyoung Yong; Patel, Pankaj C.

    Abstract: Many studies have examined the relationship between employee ownership and firm ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: organizational productivity database system productivity research and development financial performance

    Methods: statistical hypothesis test survey descriptive statistic theory development regression analysis method

    Theories: expectancy theory of motivation agency theory contingency theory economic theory motivation theory

  • Evaluating Board Candidates: A Threat-Contingency Model of Shareholder Dissent Against Female Director Candidates


    2021 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Mitra, Arjun; Post, Corinne; Sauerwald, Steve

    Abstract: Given the growing corporate social responsibility (CSR) pressures to increase bo ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: database system social norm national culture social identity decision making

    Methods: descriptive statistic theory development structural equation modeling instrumental variables estimation logistic regression

    Theories: contingency theory

  • Incumbent System Context and Job Outcomes of Effective Enterprise System Use


    2020 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 3

    Authors: Hornyak, Robert; Rai, Arun; Dong, John Qi

    Abstract: Enterprise system (ES) implementations frequently fail to deliver job benefits f ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: information system use user satisfaction technology adoption IS success electronic mail

    Methods: survey longitudinal research statistical hypothesis test partial least squares regression data transformation

    Theories: contingency theory organizational behavior theory

  • Peers matter: The moderating role of social influence on information security policy compliance


    2020 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 30

    Authors: Yazdanmehr, Adel; Wang, Jingguo; Yang, Zhiyong

    Abstract: Information security in an organization largely depends on employee compliance w ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: social influence data security security policy intrinsic motivation communication service infrastructure

    Methods: survey descriptive statistic partial least squares regression literature study scale reliability

    Theories: contingency theory general deterrence theory deterrence theory

  • Board IT Governance in Context: Considering Governance Style and Environmental Dynamism Contingencies


    2019 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 8

    Authors: Liu, Peng; Turel, Ofir; Bart, Chris

    Abstract: We theorize that IT governance (ITG) by the board of directors is most effective ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: organizational productivity corporate governance IT leadership IT governance IS value

    Methods: survey theory development data transformation confirmatory factor analysis SEM tool

    Theories: contingency theory ambidexterity theory reactance theory

  • How to Generate More Value from IT: The Interplay of IT Investment, Decision Making Structure, and Senior Management Involvement in IT Governance


    2019 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Turedi, Serdar; Zhu, Hongwei

    Abstract: Information technology (IT) represents a large portion of an organization’s inve ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: organizational productivity IT investment decision making IT governance information technology infrastructure

    Methods: descriptive statistic regression analysis method qualitative interview theory development cross sectional research

    Theories: contingency theory strategic choice theory theory of economic recessions

  • A Risk Mitigation Framework for Information Technology Projects: A Cultural Contingency Perspective


    2019 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 7

    Authors: Maruping, Likoebe M.; Venkatesh, Viswanath; Thong, James Y. L.; Zhang, Xiaojun

    Abstract: As new information technology (IT) platforms continue to emerge, the technical p ... Expand

    Semantic filters: standard deviation contingency theory

    Topics: project management IT project team project productivity IT project IT project management

    Methods: theory development statistical hypothesis test field study survey regression analysis method

    Theories: contingency theory