2018 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 5
Authors: Xue, Ling; Yang, Ke; Yao, Yuliang
Abstract: The article presents a study on the effects of interfirm managerial social ties ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis computer system
Topics: decision making database system information technology infrastructure workstation communication service infrastructure
Methods: descriptive statistic instrumental variables estimation Compustat data transformation factor analysis
Theories: agency theory
2011 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 39
Authors: Kunsoo Han; Kauffman, Robert J.; Nault, Barrie R.
Abstract: This study extends existing information technology (IT) productivity research by ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis computer system
Topics: outsourcing productivity information technology capability systems design offshoring
Methods: longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis likelihood-ratio test robustness check cross sectional research