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Found 9 articles
  • An Introduction to the MISD Technology


    2017 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Popov, Aleksey

    Abstract: The growth of data volume, velocity, and variety will be the global IT challenge ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: computer hardware enterprise architecture big data IT productivity productivity

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment discrete optimization optimization model

  • Trasactive Memory Systems Virtual Team Training Model

    2012 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hixson, Katharine; Paul, Souren

    Abstract: The use of teams, especially virtual teams, is growing significantly in corporat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: virtual teamwork team productivity computer architecture

    Methods: experiment theory development

    Theories: theory of shared mental models

  • A model for a web-based learning system


    2007 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Carchiolo, Vincenza; Longheu, Alessandro; Malgeri, Michele; Mangioni, Giuseppe

    Abstract: The dissemination of knowledge is currently being improved by e-learning, which ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: online learning system database system open source programming language personalization

    Methods: design artifact

    Theories: fuzzy set theory cognitive apprenticeship theory

  • The Role of Modeling and Asynchronous Distributed Simulation in Analyzing Complex Systems of the Future


    2002 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ghosh, Sumit

    Abstract: The word simulate implies to imitate or to mimic while the word modeling refers ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: systems operations operational information system computer hardware computer architecture

    Methods: simulation case study design principle

  • Effective Knowledge Management: Knowledge, Thinking and the Personal—Corporate Knowledge Nexus Problem


    2001 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Benson, Steve; Standing, Craig

    Abstract: We argue that the intimate relationship between computer architecture and softwa ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: knowledge management organizational memory problem solving spreadsheet organization learning

    Methods: qualitative interview pilot survey case study capability maturity model design science

    Theories: actor network theory semiotic theory

  • A Study of Senior Information Systems Managers' Decision Models in Adopting New Computing Architectures

    2000 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 9

    Authors: Bajaj, Akhilesh

    Abstract: There has been considerable interest recently in the promise of new computing a ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: IT manager system quality database system digital innovation computer hardware

    Methods: qualitative interview statistical hypothesis test conjoint analysis descriptive statistic survey

    Theories: information systems theory diffusion of innovations theory

  • Training to improve virtual team communication


    1999 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 41

    Authors: Warkentin, Merrill; Beranek, Peggy M.

    Abstract: Abstract. Organizations are utilizing virtual teams, comprising workgroup member ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: virtual teamwork IT enabled teamwork computer architecture information exchange world wide web

    Methods: survey parametric test repeated measures ANOVA personal interview

  • An Object-Based Infrastructure for IRM


    1998 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Huarng, Adam S.; Krovi, Ravi

    Abstract: Information resource management has lost some of its popularity – a victim of th ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: enterprise information system accounting database system computer architecture

  • An Applied Framework for Classifying the Complexity of Knowledge-Based Systems

    1991 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Meyer, Marc; Curley, Kathleen

    Abstract: The development and use of knowledge-based (expert) systems has grown dramatica ... Expand

    Semantic filters: computer architecture

    Topics: expert system database system system integration manufacturing information system knowledge base

    Methods: design artifact survey qualitative interview sensitivity analysis