2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 1
Authors: Bacon, Emily; Williams, Michael D.; Davies, Gareth H.
Abstract: Organisations are increasingly creating inter-organisational ecosystem partnersh ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: knowledge sharing innovation management knowledge type open innovation digital transformation
Methods: qualitative interview survey computational algorithm literature study fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis
Theories: complexity theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Kwon, B.; Jahng, J.
Abstract: Online reviews have a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. Ma ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: online review experience good user-generated content mobile phone video game
Methods: conceptual modelling computational algorithm regression analysis method theoretical contribution qualitative content analysis
Theories: complexity theory dual-system theory
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Li Liu, Kara; Ozpolat, Koray; Shin, Seung Kyoon
Abstract: The characteristics of suppliers in multi-tier supply chains have drawn more at ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: financial performance supply chain management computer hardware decision making database system
Methods: Capital IQ network analysis
Theories: complexity theory
2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ologeanu-Taddei, Roxana; Guthrie, Cameron; Jensen, Tina Blegind
Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) is typically described as a strategic, top-down init ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: value creation digital transformation pandemic Chief Information Officer laptop computer
Methods: qualitative interview design science theory development business process modeling theoretical contribution
Theories: complexity theory
2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Rowe, Frantz; Markus, M. Lynne
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: digital transformation sensemaking internet of things robotic process automation digital innovation
Methods: theory development theoretical contribution literature study business process modeling grounded theory
Theories: theory of change strategic management theory complexity theory organizational behavior theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Rzepka, Christine; Berger, Benedikt; Tams, Stefan
Abstract: Technological advancements in the area of artificial intelligence have rapidly ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: decision support system website information system use password Google+
Methods: survey experiment regression analysis method statistical hypothesis test experimental group
Theories: complexity theory compensatory adaptation theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Thampy, Sarin; Valogianni, Konstantina
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: information system use
Methods: survey personal interview qualitative interview case study literature study
Theories: complexity theory
2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Anton, Eduard; Schuir, Julian; Teuteberg, Frank
Abstract: Using mixed reality (MR) glasses for preoperative patient education (PPE) can he ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: decision making individual characteristic health information system technology adoption perceived ease of use
Methods: survey fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis robustness check confirmatory factor analysis descriptive statistic
Theories: technology acceptance model unified theory of acceptance and use of technology complexity theory status quo bias theory loss aversion
2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Diesterhöft, Till Ole; Thole, Daniel Christian; Aslan, Aycan; Vogel, Stefan
Abstract: COVID-19 served to teach governments many painful lessons about their pitfalls ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: pandemic emergency management health information system value creation project management
Methods: case study literature study synthesis qualitative content analysis
Theories: complexity theory
2022 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Hossain, Mohammad Alamgir; Quaddus, Mohammed; Warren, Matthew; Akter, Shahriar; Pappas, Ilias
Abstract: Cyberbullying behavior (CB) on social media is complex because its perpetrators ... Expand
Semantic filters: complexity theory
Topics: cyberbullying social media personality YouTube Facebook
Methods: fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis literature study sensitivity analysis descriptive statistic theory development
Theories: complexity theory theory of planned behavior psychological theory big five model fuzzy set theory