2014 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Stiel, Florian
Abstract: Discrete event simulation is a widely established approach in research on supply ... Expand
Semantic filters: belief action outcome model
Topics: green IS environmental sustainability public good logistics management climate change
Methods: literature study structured literature research simulation discrete event simulation experiment
Theories: economic production theory general systems theory economic theory stakeholder theory belief action outcome model
2012 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 7
Authors: Cumbie, Barry A.; Sankar, Chetan S.
Abstract: Given the difficulties and criticality of information sharing in a multi-agency ... Expand
Semantic filters: belief action outcome model
Topics: IT governance disaster recovery information exchange enterprise information system IT investment
Methods: case study longitudinal research simulation survey quantitative observational study
Theories: boundary objects theory belief action outcome model