2023 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0
Authors: Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Richter, Alexander; Schwabe, Gerhard; Mathiassen, Lars
Abstract: Information systems development (ISD) requires dynamic and flexible ways of wor ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: banking sytem intranet software developer innovation management systems design
Methods: design artifact qualitative interview case study qualitative coding field study
Theories: boundary objects theory general systems theory
2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Raddatz, Nirmalee; Coyne, Joshua; Menard, Philip; Crossler, Robert E
Abstract: Data breaches and cyber incidents are on the rise, and companies continually res ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: blockchain database system information privacy concern privacy banking sytem
Methods: survey survey design chi squared test structural equation modeling expert panel
Theories: health belief model loss aversion
2022 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Arruda Filho, Emílio José Montero; Nogueira, Aline Cristina Lobo; Costa, Everaldo Marcelo Souza da
Abstract: This article analyzes how the perception of risk moderates the relationships bet ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: social influence banking sytem mobile application user experience technology adoption
Methods: partial least squares regression partial least squares path modeling survey PLS tool structural equation modeling
2022 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Chin, Amita Goyal; Harris, Mark A.; Brookshire, Robert
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of trust, when balanced wit ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: electronic payment usage intention privacy information privacy concern mobile system
Methods: survey consistent partial least squares path modeling literature study survey design descriptive statistic
Theories: cognitive dissonance theory control theory system justification theory theory of reasoned action
2022 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Liu, Bailing; Pavlou, Paul A.; Cheng, Xiufeng
Abstract: Companies face a trade-off between creating stronger privacy protection policies ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: privacy mobile application information privacy concern data breach systems design
Methods: survey experiment field experiment theory development post-hoc analysis
Theories: justice theory distributive justice theory procedural justice theory social sciences theory information systems theory
2022 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Märtins, Julian; Kehl, Robin; Westmattelmann, Daniel; Schewe, Gerhard
Abstract: With regard to the complexity of emerging technologies, technology acceptance r ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: mobile application usage intention technology adoption privacy information exchange
Methods: survey structural equation modeling survey design partial least squares regression PLS tool
2020 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Abubakar, Naima; Kah, Muhammadou; Dasuki, Salihu
Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly being recogn ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: mobile phone WhatsApp social media Facebook smartphone
Methods: qualitative interview focus group personal interview triangulation participant observation
2020 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 5
Authors: Alkhowaiter, Wassan Abdullah
Abstract: A B S T R A C TThe global spread and use of internet and mobile contributed to ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: perceived usefulness behavioral intention perceived ease of use mobile payment online banking
Methods: survey meta analysis structural equation modeling literature study regression analysis method
Theories: technology acceptance model unified theory of acceptance and use of technology cultural dimensions theory extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology information systems success model
2020 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Graf, Vanessa
Abstract: Leaving no one behind is a fundamental principle for achieving the Sustainable ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: social media social network information system use mobile phone mobile application
Methods: literature sample structured literature research cluster analysis bibliometric analysis co-citation analysis
2019 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ali, Radwan; Gallivan, Mike J; Sangari, Seema
Abstract: Because of the potential influence of smart devices on businesses, many firms st ... Expand
Semantic filters: banking sytem
Topics: mobile application spreadsheet website mobile application market digital distribution
Methods: F-test parametric test ANOVA Wald test simple linear regression