2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Al Balawi, Ramah; Hu, Yuheng; Qiu, Liangfei
Abstract: In this study, we investigate the effect of a brand crisis on the customer relat ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: social media Twitter customer service customer satisfaction customer relationship management
Methods: mediation analysis longitudinal research robustness check natural experiment experimental group
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Aziz, Arslan; Li, Hui; Telang, Rahul
Abstract: Informative online ratings enable digital platforms to reduce the search cost fo ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: digital platform mobile application word of mouth ease of use consumer behavior
Methods: experiment pilot experiment experimental group robustness check quasi experiment
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Deng, Yipu; Zheng, Jinyang; Huang, Liqiang; Kannan, Karthik
Abstract: We collaborated with a leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturer t ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: artificial intelligence organizational value cost benefit analysis mobile application human AI collaboration
Methods: experimental group field experiment qualitative interview experiment quasi experiment
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Dewan, Sanjeev; Kim, Jooho; Nian, Tingting
Abstract: We contribute to the emerging literature on quality certification by digital pl ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: Airbnb website sharing platform peer-to-peer model Google+
Methods: experimental group experiment propensity score method product review robustness check
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Gao, Yang; Rui, Huaxia; Sun, Shujing
Abstract: Text-based customer service is emerging as an important channel through which c ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: customer service Twitter social presence social media customer satisfaction
Methods: experiment computational algorithm synthetic control method survey support vector machine
Theories: social presence theory big five model
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ghosh, Soham; Chakraborty, Soumyakanti; Sharma, Megha; Susarla, Anjana
Abstract: Online Health Communities like YouTube offer mental health patients an alternat ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: YouTube social media electronic mail blog
Methods: deep learning RoBERTa BERT propensity score matching propensity score method
Theories: speech act theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ghosh, Shyam; Chakraborty, Soumyakanti
Abstract: Downloadable contents (DLCs) are additional in-game contents that developers r ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: website free to play game usage intention missing data
Methods: experimental group usage data quasi experiment Student's t-test parametric test
Theories: theory of consumption value
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Guan, Yue; Tan, Yong; Wei, Qiang; Chen, Guoqing
Abstract: Customer-generated images (CGIs) on e-commerce platforms have been widely adopte ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: online review experience good electronic commerce data breach digital good
Methods: experiment experimental group laboratory experiment computational algorithm product review
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Ho, Yi-Jen (Ian); Liu, Siyuan; Wang, Lei
Abstract: Gamification utilizes game-like features to engage participants, widely implemen ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: gamification wireless LAN consumer behavior technology adoption user interface
Methods: experiment experimental group survey randomized field experiment parametric test
Theories: motivation theory self determination theory
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Kim, Jae Yeon; Sim, Jaeung; Cho, Daegon
Abstract: Much has been written about how social media platforms enable the rise of networ ... Expand
Semantic filters: average treatment effect
Topics: YouTube social media legal context
Methods: survey experiment Student's t-test experimental group parametric test
Theories: communication theory