2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Abraham, Rene; Schneider, Johannes; vom Brocke, Jan
Abstract: Commercializing data and data-related services has gained in importance in recen ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: data governance price management system development method computer data storage website
Methods: design artifact data modeling design methodology design science company material
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Renee Rui; Chen, Kun; Ou, Carol X.J.
Abstract: Strategic alliances require mutual trust and collaboration between organizations ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: blockchain affordance user experience usability smart contract
Methods: qualitative interview case study design artifact conceptual modelling computational algorithm
Theories: theory of affordance
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Herath, Tejaswini C.; Herath, Hemantha S. B.; Cullum, David
Abstract: As organizations have become increasingly reliant on information systems, senior ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: data security COBIT IT security ITIL information security management
Methods: qualitative interview case study personal interview survey delphi study
Theories: theory of everything
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Inoue, Yuki; Takenaka, Takeshi; Kasasaku, Takami; Tamegai, Tadafumi; Arai, Ryohei
Abstract: The recent technological evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) and data scie ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: digital ecosystem radio frequency identification digital service logistics management price management
Methods: survey simulation data transformation design process action design research
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 1
Authors: Johnson, Marina; Albizri, Abdullah; Harfouche, Antoine
Abstract: It is estimated that one out of seven health insurance claims is rejected in the ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: artificial intelligence ADA missing data partial dependence plot responsible artificial intelligence
Methods: machine learning computational algorithm experiment support vector machine design artifact
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Jessup, S.; Willis, S.; Alarcon, G.
Abstract: The current study sought to extend the Affective Technology Acceptance (ATA) mo ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: technology adoption robotic perceived ease of use perceived usefulness mobile phone
Methods: sentiment analysis self reported survey mixed method survey regression analysis method
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Klossner, Sara; Ghanbari, Hadi; Rossi, Matti; Sarv, Lill
Abstract: The rapid growth of the population and the increase in life expectancy put inte ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: information privacy concern mobile health mobile application usability personalization
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling SEM tool survey design partial least squares regression
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Lautenschlager, Jonathan; Stramm, Jan; Guggenberger, Tobias; Rösch, Artur; Schweizer, Andrè
Abstract: Blockchain's inherent characteristics render it a promising solution in collabo ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: blockchain supply chain management privacy application programming interface usability
Methods: design artifact qualitative interview design principle design science literature study
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 1
Authors: Moriggl, Pascal; Asprion, Petra; Schneider, Bettina; Scherb, Christopher
Abstract: Components built into space vehicles and equipment (space products) must meet di ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: blockchain JavaScript authorization business process management graphical user interface
Methods: design artifact literature study qualitative interview
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Tutun, Salih; Harfouche, Antoine; Albizri, Abdullah; Johnson, Marina E.; He, Haiyue
Abstract: Thousands of people die while waiting for organ transplants due to a significant ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization
Topics: responsible artificial intelligence artificial intelligence explainable artificial intelligence procurement management authorization
Methods: machine learning computational algorithm support vector machine experiment classification method
Theories: justice theory