2012 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 10
Authors: Winkler, Till J; Benlian, Alexander
Abstract: This study addresses the theoretically neglected role of information system (IS) ... Expand
Semantic filters: indicator loading asset specificity
Topics: IT governance asset specificity software as a service outsourcing enterprise information system
Methods: survey partial least squares regression design artifact design science conceptual modelling
Theories: transaction cost economics
2006 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 65
Authors: Patnayakuni, Ravi; Rai, Arun; Seth, Nainika
Abstract: A new model of competition, where competition is among supply chain networks rat ... Expand
Semantic filters: indicator loading asset specificity
Topics: supply chain management asset specificity information exchange electronic mail logistics management
Methods: partial least squares regression survey Compustat mediation analysis theory development
Theories: lemon market theory organizational information processing theory transaction cost economics