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Found 131 articles
  • Facilitating Online Learning via Zoom Breakout Room Technology : A Case of Pair Programming Involving Students with Learning Disabilities


    2021 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Li, Ling; Xu, Li Da; He, Yuming; He, Wu; Pribesh, Shana; Watson, Silvana; Major, Debra

    Abstract: The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has required many educators ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: pair programming video conference cloud computing online learning system Visual Basic

    Methods: design methodology survey

  • Multivariate data quality assessment based on rotated factor scores and confidence ellipsoids


    2020 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Almeida, Fabrício Alves de; Leite, Rodrigo Reis; Gomes, Guilherme Ferreira; Gomes, José Henrique de Freitas; Paiva, Anderson Paulo de

    Abstract: This study explores the nature of the correlation in data to estimate the data q ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: data quality decision making decision support Visual Basic

    Methods: parametric test ANOVA data transformation descriptive statistic trade-off analysis method

  • A Bibliometric Analysis of the HICSS Software Technology Track

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Grønli, Tor-Morten; Majchrzak, Tim A; Kaindl, Hermann; Wien, TU

    Abstract: The HICSS Software Technology track has a long tradition and many papers have be ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: mobile system internet of things systems development spreadsheet Visual Basic

    Methods: bibliometric analysis descriptive statistic co-citation analysis literature study

  • Scheduling Flexible Demand in Cloud Computing Spot Markets


    2020 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0

    Authors: Keller, Robert; Häfner, Lukas; Sachs, Thomas; Fridgen, Gilbert

    Abstract: The rapid standardization and specialization of cloud computing services have le ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: cloud computing price management real option decision support cloud computing provider

    Methods: simulation stochastic model literature study two sample t-test with equal variance parametric test

  • Name it as you like it? Keeping pace with social media something


    2018 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 1

    Authors: Bühler, Julian; Bick, Markus

    Abstract: Social media has emerged over the last decade and consequently has accompanying ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: social media database system social network virtual world website

    Methods: meta analysis literature sample computational algorithm synthesis design science

  • Business Value of the Internet of Things – A Project Portfolio Selection Approach

    2018 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Fähnle, Annika; Püschel, Louis; Roeglinger, Maximilian; Stohr, Alexander

    Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) counts among the most disruptive digital technolog ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: mobile system internet of things smart device organizational value Visual Basic

    Methods: design artifact qualitative interview design science

  • Minimum sample size estimation in PLS-SEM: The inverse square root and gamma-exponential methods


    2018 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kock, Ned; Hadaya, Pierre

    Abstract: Partial least squares-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is extensive ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: spreadsheet Visual Basic computer software accounting IT project

    Methods: Monte Carlo simulation partial least squares path modeling partial least squares regression computational algorithm experiment

  • A decision support system for integrated container handling in a transshipment hub


    2018 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Legato, Pasquale; Mazza, Rina Mary

    Abstract: The productivity of a maritime container terminal can be improved through a mode ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: decision support system productivity Visual Basic Microsoft Windows

    Methods: simulation experiment case study discrete event simulation goodness of fit statistical test

  • Short-term and Long-term Effects of Fear Appeals in Improving Compliance with Password Guidelines


    2018 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Mwagwabi, Florence; McGill, Tanya; Dixon, Mike

    Abstract: Passwords are the most widely used method of authentication on the Internet, but ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: password IT security self efficacy behavioral intention IT security defense

    Methods: experimental group survey parametric test ANOVA longitudinal research

    Theories: protection motivation theory health belief model theory of reasoned action behavioral theory

  • Failure pattern-based ensembles applied to bankruptcy forecasting


    2018 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: du Jardin, Philippe

    Abstract: Bankruptcy prediction models that rely on ensemble techniques have been studied ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Visual Basic

    Topics: database system Visual Basic

    Methods: artificial neural network conceptual modelling discriminant analysis logistic regression support vector machine