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Found 15 articles
  • A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Control Systems

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alizadeh, Armin; Hirsch, Felix; Jiang, Jennifer; Wiener, Martin; Benlian, Alexander

    Abstract: Algorithmic control (AC) uses digital technologies and advanced algorithms to c ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: organizational control organizational context computer hardware information technology capability Uber

    Methods: literature study case study theory development computational algorithm

    Theories: socio technical theory

  • Algorithmic Management: Its Implications for Information Systems Research


    2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Cameron, Lindsey; Lamers, Laura; Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich; Lutz, Christoph; Meijerink, Jeroen; Möhlmann, Mareike

    Abstract: In recent years, the topic of algorithmic management has received increasing at ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: algorithmic management sensemaking platform worker Uber pandemic

    Methods: computational algorithm theory development group interview ethnography grounded theory

    Theories: organizational behavior theory enactment theory

  • Economic Impacts of Platform-Endorsed Quality Certification: Evidence from Airbnb

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Dewan, Sanjeev; Kim, Jooho; Nian, Tingting

    Abstract: We contribute to the emerging literature on quality certification by digital pl ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: Airbnb website sharing platform peer-to-peer model Google+

    Methods: experimental group experiment propensity score method product review robustness check

  • What most influences consumers’ intention to use? Different motivation and trust stories for uber, airbnb, and taskrabbit


    2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Tripp, John; McKnight, D. Harrison; Lankton, Nancy

    Abstract: While many factors drive the sharing economy’s growth, trust and motivations pla ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: usage intention Uber TaskRabbit Airbnb mobile application

    Methods: survey statistical power analysis partial least squares regression ANOVA partial least squares path modeling

    Theories: motivation theory self determination theory trust theory

  • Hourly Wages in Crowdworking: A Meta-Analysis


    2022 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hornuf, Lars; Vrankar, Daniel

    Abstract: In the past decade, crowdworking on online labor market platforms has become an ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: crowdsourcing accounting online labor market database system organizational transformation

    Methods: meta analysis descriptive statistic survey literature study mixed method

    Theories: lemon market theory

  • Online communities and discontinuance of information technology-enabled on-demand workers: Impacts of informal social interactions through dual commitments


    2022 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Nwafor, Onyi; Ma, Xiao; Hou, Jinghui (Jove); Johnson, Norman

    Abstract: The on-demand economy (or gig economy) is touted “the future of work” characteri ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: platform worker job satisfaction online community organizational commitment IT personell turnover

    Methods: survey descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test chi squared test partial least squares path modeling

    Theories: distributive justice theory procedural justice theory big five model theory of affordance social capital theory

  • How Managers Maintain Control Through Collaborative Repair: Evidence from Platform-Mediated “Gigs”


    2021 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Rahman, Hatim A.; Valentine, Melissa A.

    Abstract: This paper develops a new understanding about how “client managers”—those using ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: digital platform systems development platform work IT development project IT project

    Methods: qualitative interview archival database qualitative coding field study constant comparative analysis

  • Network Interconnectivity and Entry into Platform Markets


    2021 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 12

    Authors: Zhu, Feng; Li, Xinxin; Valavi, Ehsan; Iansiti, Marco

    Abstract: Digital technologies have led to the emergence of many platforms in our economy ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: advertising management network effect switching cost Uber digital platform

    Methods: network analysis

    Theories: game theory

  • Understanding the Platform Economy

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hesse, Maik; Dann, David; Braesemann, Fabian

    Abstract: Two-sided markets are gaining increasing importance. Examples include accommodat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: Airbnb crowdsourcing ride sharing platform frequency of use electronic commerce

    Methods: survey regression analysis method personal interview qualitative coding self reported survey

  • Takeaway Trust: A market data perspective on reputation portability in electronic commerce

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 1

    Authors: Hesse, Maik; Teubner, Timm

    Abstract: Reputation has become a key factor within today’s online platform landscape. In ... Expand

    Semantic filters: TaskRabbit

    Topics: electronic commerce Airbnb Lyft ride sharing platform digital platform

    Methods: survey regression analysis method survey design qualitativ observational study longitudinal research