2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Mettler, Tobias; Sunyaev, Ali
Abstract: In a thought-provoking paper published in EJIS more than a decade ago, Lyytinen ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: IT investment productivity IS discipline Google+ problem solving
Methods: ANOVA parametric test bibliometric analysis statistical hypothesis test robust regression
2021 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Han, Xiao; Wang, Leye; Fan, Weiguo
Abstract: User privacy protection is a vital issue of concern for online social networks ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: privacy Facebook risk management geographic information system information exchange
Methods: machine learning computational algorithm experiment support vector machine digital trace data
2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Konadl, Daniel; Wörner, Janik; Leist, Susanne
Abstract: Context factors have lasting impacts on people’s sentiments. Exploring impacts t ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: Twitter mobile system Android social media word of mouth
Methods: Student's t-test sentiment analysis literature study natural language processing
2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 6
Authors: Van Looy, Amy
Abstract: The information revolution leaves its mark on businesses, resulting in organizat ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: innovation management business process management decision making business model information systems strategy
Methods: survey qualitative interview expert panel maturity model parametric test
Theories: theory of everything management theory
2021 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 4
Authors: Young, Amber; Majchrzak, Ann; Kane, Gerald
Abstract: This manuscript describes our experiences writing a future-oriented, next-gener ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: online community darknet advertising management societal evaluation criteria big data
Methods: theory development machine learning design principle kernel theory archival research
Theories: information systems theory
2020 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 1
Authors: Chung, Younjin; Bagheri, Nasser; Salinas-Perez, Jose Alberto; Smurthwaite, Kayla; Walsh, Erin; Furst, MaryAnne; Rosenberg, Sebastian; Salvador-Carulla, Luis
Abstract: The availability of healthcare data has exponentially grown, both in quantity an ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: health information system visual analytics usability database system decision making
Methods: exploratory data analysis structured literature research co-citation analysis spatial analysis multidimensional scaling
2019 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 9
Authors: Chang, Wei-Lun; Chen, Yi-Pei
Abstract: Online reviews and word of mouth are crucial to consumers. We proposed a model o ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: online review word of mouth online word of mouth anonymity user-generated content
Methods: sentiment analysis descriptive statistic product review experiment survey
Theories: prospect theory
2019 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Cranefield, Jocelyn; Pries-Heje, Jan
Abstract: The smart city concept is used as tool by local and municipal governments to del ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: smart city innovation management boundary spanning privacy digital transformation
Methods: qualitative interview grounded theory literature sample personal interview
Theories: leadership theory transformational leadership theory
2019 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Maruping, Likoebe M.; Daniel, Sherae L.; Cataldo, Marcelo
Abstract: Open source software (OSS) communities are dependent on the code contributions o ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: electronic mail organizational commitment social network systems development anonymity
Methods: survey regression analysis method polynomial regression descriptive statistic robustness check
Theories: social network theory uncertainty reduction theory self determination theory
2019 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 2
Authors: Meseguer-Martinez, Angel; Ros-Galvez, Alejandro; Rosa-Garcia, Alfonso; Catalan-Alarcon, Jose Antonio
Abstract: YouTube has become the standard social network for the dissemination of universi ... Expand
Semantic filters: Oceania
Topics: YouTube productivity social media database system sharing platform
Methods: descriptive statistic Bonferroni correction co-citation analysis qualitative content analysis survey