2007 | Organization Science | Citations: 28
Authors: Gavetti, Giovanni; Rivkin, Jan W.
Abstract: We develop a perspective on how managers search for a strategy. In the spirit of ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: Lycos organization structure internet technology social influence decision making
Methods: qualitative interview theory development synthesis case study longitudinal research
Theories: theory of case-based reasoning decision theory
2004 | Information & Management | Citations: 18
Authors: Chen, Kuanchin; Yen, David C.
Abstract: Online interactivity is becoming a valuable way of improving the communication q ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: website logistics management website design Lycos web application
Methods: regression analysis method logistic regression ANOVA parametric test linear regression analysis
2004 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 7
Authors: Telang, Rahul; Rajan, Uday; Mukhopadhyay, Tridas
Abstract: The Internet search engine market has seen a proliferation of entrants over the ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: horizontal differentiation search engine vertical differentiation advertising management Google+
2002 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 13
Authors: Chen, Hsinchun; Chau, Michael; Zeng, Daniel
Abstract: Competitive Intelligence (CI) aims to monitor a firm's external environment for ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: Lycos website internet technology search engine competitive intelligence
Methods: experiment machine learning Student's t-test survey parametric test
2002 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gwee, Yah-Ting; Hui, Kai-Lung; Chau, Patrick
Abstract: Previous research suggests that brand equity is affected by marketing mix elemen ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: electronic business internet technology website electronic mail search engine
Methods: survey structural equation modeling survival analysis confirmatory factor analysis descriptive statistic
2002 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Shim, J.P.; Shin, Yong B.; Nottingham, Linda
Abstract: The Internet/World Wide Web (Web) is a critical medium for the sharing of busin ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: customer service website internet technology Lycos electronic commerce
Methods: qualitative interview logistic regression phenomenological method personal interview regression analysis method
2001 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Kuanchin; Sockel, Hy
Abstract: Cyber-interactivity is becoming a strategic tool to improve the quality of web s ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: web application website logistics management Lycos
Methods: regression analysis method logistic regression linear regression analysis multiple regression goodness of fit statistical test
2000 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Rita, Paulo
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: search engine Lycos web application website
1998 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsinchun, Chen; Yi-Ming, Chung; Ramsey, Marshall; Yang, Christopher C.
Abstract: As Internet services based on the World-Wide Web become more popular, informatio ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: internet technology Java intranet database system search engine
Methods: computational algorithm experiment design artifact classification method
1997 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 7
Authors: Barua, Anitesh; Ravindran, Sury; Whinston, Andrew B.
Abstract: The Internet has become increasingly important to organizations for certain aspe ... Expand
Semantic filters: Lycos
Topics: search engine electronic market anonymity backup willingness to pay
Methods: survey descriptive statistic
Theories: transaction cost economics utility theory