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Found 4 articles
  • Giving Users Control Over How Peers Handle Their Data: A Design Science Study

    2022 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Zöll, Anne; Wagner, Amina; Reuter-Oppermann, Melanie

    Abstract: In today's interconnected world, Internet users are increasingly concerned abou ... Expand

    Semantic filters: group interview Levene's test

    Topics: privacy information privacy concern peer-to-peer model WhatsApp usability

    Methods: design principle design artifact design requirement Student's t-test qualitative interview

  • Design and Development of a Patient-Centered E-Health System to Improve Patient Understanding at Discharge


    2014 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: San Nicolas-Rocca, Tonia; Schooley, Benjamin; Joo, Seong-Jong

    Abstract: E-health systems are often designed without considering user-centered design pr ... Expand

    Semantic filters: group interview Levene's test

    Topics: media richness usability electronic health user experience mobile system

    Methods: design artifact focus group survey parametric test Student's t-test

    Theories: media synchronicity theory media richness theory

  • Individual Priming in Virtual Team Decision-Making


    2013 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bartelt, Valerie L.; Dennis, Alan R.; Yuan, Lingyao; Barlow, Jordan B.

    Abstract: Virtual teams have different interactions than face-to-face teams because they r ... Expand

    Semantic filters: group interview Levene's test

    Topics: decision quality decision making virtual teamwork brainstorming information exchange

    Methods: parametric test ANOVA experiment Levene's test experimental group

  • Sampling and pooling of decision-relevant information: Comparing the efficiency of face-to-face and GSS supported groups


    2006 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Shirani, Ashraf I.

    Abstract: Past research has suggested that decision-making groups, when communicating face ... Expand

    Semantic filters: group interview Levene's test

    Topics: group support system information exchange group decision support system information management requirements analysis

    Methods: ANOVA parametric test group interview Levene's test survey