2021 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 4
Authors: Lee, Jong Seok; Keil, Mark; Wong, Kin Fai Ellick
Abstract: This research focuses on information technology (IT) project managers' growth mi ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: project management IT project web page risk management decision making
Methods: experiment theory development parametric test statistical hypothesis test one-way ANOVA
Theories: agency theory prospect theory self justification theory
2021 | HICSS | Citations: 2
Authors: Warsinsky, Simon; Schmidt-Kraepelin, Manuel; Thiebes, Scott; Sunyaev, Ali
Abstract: Gamification is increasingly utilized in information systems to afford positive ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: gamification IT project IT project risk management resource allocation user expectation
Methods: qualitative interview personal interview qualitative coding design guideline
2019 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Lee, Jong Seok; Keil, Mark; Shalev, Eliezer
Abstract: Prior research has suggested that information technology (IT) project managers ( ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: risk management IT project risk management project management IT project IT project management
Methods: experiment theory development analysis of covariance descriptive statistic experimental design
Theories: construal level theory
2019 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Moeini, Mohammad; Rivard, Suzanne
Abstract: This study proposes and tests a model that explains and predicts risk response d ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: risk management project management IT project risk management IT project management IT project
Methods: survey partial least squares regression design artifact qualitative interview theory development
Theories: decision theory prospect theory theory of planned behavior
2019 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Moeini, Mohammad; Rivard, Suzanne
Abstract: The information technology (IT) project risk management literature comprises two ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: risk management IT project risk management IT project knowledge type knowledge base
Methods: qualitative coding theory development literature sample grounded theory literature study
2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Aghkariz, Mohammad Moeini; Cleveland, Simon
Abstract: Construct clarity is crucial for the proper development, accumulation, and disse ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: project management IT project risk management IT project management database system IT project
Methods: literature study personal interview
2014 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Shalev, Eliezer; Keil, Mark; Lee, Jong Seok; Ganzach, Yoav
Abstract: Prior research has shown that people have a tendency to be overly optimistic abo ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: risk management project management IT project IT project risk management IT project management
Methods: experiment theory development analysis of covariance laboratory experiment statistical hypothesis test
Theories: construal level theory
2014 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Schmitz, Kurt
Abstract: In environments where risk planning does not eliminate disruptions, advancing ri ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: project productivity IT project boundary spanning IT workforce IT project team
Methods: statistical hypothesis test survey PLS tool partial least squares path modeling personal interview
Theories: work systems theory
2013 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 13
Authors: Hu, Yong; Zhang, Xiangzhou; Ngai, E. W. T.; Cai, Ruichu; Liu, Mei
Abstract: Many risks are involved in software development and risk management has become o ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: IT project IT project risk management logistics management systems development project productivity
Methods: computational algorithm decision tree classification naïve bayes survey regression analysis method
Theories: sociotechnical systems theory
2013 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 41
Authors: Kutsch, Elmar; Denyer, David; Hall, Mark; Lee-Kelley, Elizabeth (Liz)
Abstract: Risk management and ‘routine-based reliability’ is considered fundamental to pro ... Expand
Semantic filters: IT project risk management
Topics: risk management IT project project productivity IT project risk management mindfulness
Methods: qualitative interview business process modeling design science personal interview literature study
Theories: organizational theory