2021 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 8
Authors: Tan, Tianhui; Zhang, Ying; Heng, Cheng; Ge, Chunmian
Abstract: The recent emergence of financial technology (fintech) innovations offers a prom ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: electronic finance innovation management internet technology digital news technology adoption
Methods: qualitative interview case study business process modeling triangulation theory development
Theories: co-evolution theory theory of economic growth
2015 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Kretzer, Martin
Abstract: Many organizations are facing the challenge that employees supplement their stan ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: affordance information system use usability user experience user requirement
Methods: business process modeling data modeling qualitative interview case study design artifact
Theories: theory of affordance
2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Sedera, Darshana; Eden, Rebekah; McLean, Ephraim
Abstract: The need for native Information Systems (IS) theories has been discussed by seve ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: IS success data quality individual impact organizational impact system quality
Methods: survey theory development case study survey design PLS tool
Theories: information systems success model information systems theory
2011 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Xue, Ling; Zhang, Cheng; Ling, Hong; Zhao, Xia
Abstract: The objective of this study is to understand how the company’s risk-taking decis ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: technology adoption decision making IT governance information security management supply chain management
Methods: survey data transformation regression analysis method theory development econometric modeling
2008 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Chang, She-I; Hung, Shin-Yuan; Yen, David C.; Chen, Yi-Jiun
Abstract: Despite the literature exploring the factors of adopting information technology ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: radio frequency identification logistics management supply chain management technology adoption computer software
Methods: survey qualitative coding discriminant analysis design artifact descriptive statistic
2008 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Yajiong Xue; Huigang Liang; Boulton, William R.
Abstract: This study identifies governance patterns for information technology investment ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: IT governance IT investment duopoly decision making IT manager
Methods: qualitative interview theory development case study field study personal interview
Theories: resource dependency theory
2006 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 74
Authors: Miranda, Shaila M.; Yong-Mi Kim
Abstract: IS research has considered the outsourcing decision from the perspective of tran ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: outsourcing IT investment asset specificity decision making missing data
Methods: survey cluster analysis survey design self reported survey factor analysis
Theories: transaction cost economics theory of bounded rationality institutional theory
1995 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Pernul, G.
Abstract: To achieve a certain degree of information systems security different technique ... Expand
Semantic filters: authorization IT investment
Topics: IT security access control IT investment database system authorization
Methods: design artifact