2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais; Ahmad, Iftikhar; Rana, Nripendra P.; Khan, Iqra Sadaf
Abstract: To create competitive advantages, companies are leaning towards business analyti ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: perceived usefulness IT development project IT project systems development IT workforce
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling machine learning conceptual modelling data transformation
Theories: expectation confirmation theory
2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Ahlemann, Frederik; Dittes, Sven; Fillbrunn, Tim; Rehring, Kevin; Reining, Stefan; Urbach, Nils
Abstract: Today’s companies rely heavily on in-company information technology standards (I ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: information systems standardization enterprise architecture IS maturity organizational control decision making
Methods: design theory qualitative interview design principle descriptive statistic case study
Theories: organizational control theory
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Asadiara, Amir; Farhadloo, Mohsen; Ahuja, Suchit
Abstract: Firms are known to struggle to find the best recipe for achieving different for ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: affordance user experience IT alignment usability strategic management
Methods: design artifact theoretical contribution
Theories: dynamic capabilities theory theory of affordance
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Bapna, Ravi; Gupta, Alok; Ray, Gautam; Singh, Shweta
Abstract: As the information technology (IT) services landscape matures, clients are incre ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: outsourcing system integration IS management service desk data center
Methods: XGBoost robustness check machine learning k-nearest neighbor statistical hypothesis test
Theories: transaction cost economics game theory
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Bartikowski, Boris; Laroche, Michel; Kizgin, Hatice
Abstract: Introduction to the special issueInformation Communication Technology (ICT): Pe ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: social media marketing social media Instagram IS management marketing management
Methods: mixed method personal interview cross sectional research
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Leida; Nath, Ravi; Rocco, Nevina; Lidster, Carolyn
Abstract: Developing an effective business analytics function within a company has become ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: organization structure computer hardware IS management organizational culture systems development
Methods: machine learning qualitative interview grounded theory
Theories: socio technical theory organizational behavior theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Choi, Stephen; Lee, One-Ki Daniel; Suh, Woojong; Lim, Kai Hin
Abstract: This study examines how an individual cognitively generates creative ideas using ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: idea generation mobile application IT supported collaboration social media brainstorming
Methods: field study data transformation survey theory development confirmatory factor analysis
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 2
Authors: Corbett, Jacqueline
Abstract: Despite calls to integrate sustainability topics into information systems (IS) ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: environmental sustainability artificial intelligence IS management green IS
Methods: simulation case study
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Dudézert, Aurélie; Laval, Florence; Mitev, Nathalie; Chourabi, Olfa
Abstract: The massive and sudden deployment of telework during the Covid-19 pandemic led ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: remote work IT supported collaboration pandemic social network IS management
Methods: qualitative coding videography literature study qualitative content analysis
Theories: illusion of control
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gebauer, Judith; Modaresnezhad, Minoo; Sibona, Christopher; Matthews, Kevin
Abstract: Stakeholder analysis is a methodology that can provide valuable insights about ... Expand
Semantic filters: IS management
Topics: IT project strategic management internet technology project management electronic mail
Methods: theory development case study survey qualitative interview triangulation