2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Saraf, Nilesh; Bharati, Pratyush; Ravichandran, T.
Abstract: Research on the antecedents of SM and its consequences for organizations is sile ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: social capital social media user experience affordance enterprise social media
Methods: survey survey design theory development partial least squares regression factor analysis
Theories: theory of affordance
2020 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Najmul Islam, A. K. M.; Cenfetelli, Ronald; Benbasat, Izak
Abstract: This paper investigates service functionality in the domain of B2B platform assi ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: business-to-business information storage and retrieval system top management support electronic market customer service
Methods: survey survey design theory development partial least squares regression chi squared test
2016 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Venkatesh, Viswanath; Thong, James Y. L.; Chan, Frank K. Y.; Hu, Paul J. H.
Abstract: This paper investigates how citizens’ uncertainty in e-government services can b ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: government system data quality usability personalization usage intention
Methods: survey survey design descriptive statistic regression analysis method factor analysis
Theories: uncertainty reduction theory
2012 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bharati, Pratyush; Chaudhury, Abhijit; Zhang, Wei
Abstract: To the extent that knowledge is the most strategically important resource for su ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: knowledge management social media social capital organizational memory knowledge sharing
Methods: survey survey design partial least squares regression literature study
2011 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Vykoukal, Jens; Pahlke, Immanuel; Beck, Roman
Abstract: Financial services providers are exposed to a highly turbulent environment that ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: business process management risk management new product development innovation management IT investment
Methods: survey descriptive statistic partial least squares regression survey design literature study
2010 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Loo Geok PEE; Kankanhalli, Atreyi; Hee-Woong KIM
Abstract: Information systems development (ISD) is typically a knowledge-intensive activit ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: knowledge sharing task interdependence IT workforce IT planning requirements analysis
Methods: survey survey design partial least squares regression data transformation self reported survey
Theories: contingency theory organizational behavior theory
2010 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Wolf, Martin
Abstract: Financial services providers are exposed to different sources of institutional p ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: risk management grid computing innovation management business process management electronic mail
Methods: partial least squares regression survey conceptual modelling field study structural equation modeling
Theories: theory of everything institutional theory diffusion of innovations theory assimilation theory of learning
2008 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 62
Authors: Chin, Wynne W.; Johnson, Norman; Schwarz, Andrew
Abstract: Nearly all prior studies on the technology acceptance model (TAM) have used Like ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: ease of use perceived usefulness perceived ease of use relational database
Methods: survey survey design psychometrics SEM tool Student's t-test
Theories: technology acceptance model
2008 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ven, Kris; Verelst, Jan
Abstract: Despite the attention that open source software (OSS) has received, relatively l ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: source code open source switching cost technology adoption perceived usefulness
Methods: survey partial least squares regression conceptual modelling literature study PLS tool
2006 | Information & Management | Citations: 16
Authors: Rai, Arun; Tang, Xinlin; Brown, Paul; Keil, Mark
Abstract: Electronic procurement innovations (EPI) have been adopted by many firms as a me ... Expand
Semantic filters: Guttman scale
Topics: procurement management productivity top management support digital innovation IT skill
Methods: cluster analysis Student's t-test parametric test survey survey design