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Found 245 articles
  • What do growing early-stage digital start-ups look like? A mixed-methods approach


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Griva, Anastasia; Kotsopoulos, Dimosthenis; Karagiannaki, Angeliki; Zamani, Efpraxia D.

    Abstract: Digital entrepreneurship is one of the most important and impactful forms of ent ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: digital entrepreneurship human resource management entrepreneurship innovation management absorptive capacity

    Methods: survey delphi study mixed method qualitative interview case study

    Theories: dynamic capabilities theory

  • Ghost in the Machine: Theorizing data knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Technologies

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Koukouvinou, Panagiota; Ademaj, Gemza; Sarker, Saonee; Holmström, Jonny

    Abstract: AI technologies have led to new ways of thinking about data, knowledge, and org ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: artificial intelligence sensemaking data literacy organizational context

    Methods: theory development literature sample structured literature research qualitative coding digital trace data

  • Primer for Experimental Methods in Organization Theory


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Levine, Sheen S.; Schilke, Oliver; Kacperczyk, Olenka; Zucker, Lynne G.

    Abstract: Experiments have long played a crucial role in various scientific disciplines an ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: electronic mail behavioral intention innovation management anonymity social network

    Methods: experiment survey statistical hypothesis test post-hoc analysis theory development

    Theories: organizational theory behavioral economics

  • Digital transparency and the usefulness for open government


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Matheus, Ricardo; Faber, Roel; Ismagilova, Elvira; Janssen, Marijn

    Abstract: Open Government efforts are criticized for providing limited value. Instead of l ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: mobile application perceived usefulness website open data government system

    Methods: survey partial least squares regression structural equation modeling data transformation statistical hypothesis test

  • Applying the AHP to Conflict Resolution: A Russia—NATO Case Study


    2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Minutolo, Marcel C.; Vargas, Luis G.; Guiora, Amos N.; Ray, Madhury

    Abstract: In this paper, we apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to conflict reso ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: evaluation criteria

    Methods: trade-off analysis method analytic hierarchy process multiple criteria decision making sensitivity analysis linear optimization

    Theories: theory of economic growth


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Neves, Catarina; Oliveira, Tiago

    Abstract: Nowadays, given the growing global environmental problems, several mitigation s ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: green IS cognitive absorption information system use energy information system social influence

    Methods: qualitative interview survey mixed method qualitative coding

  • Tragedy, Truth, and Technology: The 3T Theory of Social Media-Driven Misinformation


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Roberts, Nicholas; Qahri-Saremi, Hamed

    Abstract: False claims and misinformation on social media have substantially increased in ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: social media misinformation anonymity disinformation

    Methods: business process modeling theory development boosting method

    Theories: correspondence theory of truth

  • Fairness in Algorithmic Management: How Practices Promote Fairness and Redress Unfairness on Digital Labor Platforms

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Schulze, L.; Trenz, M.; Cai, Z.; Tan, C.

    Abstract: Algorithmic management (AM) is employed on digital labor platforms (DLPs) to e ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: decision making ride sharing platform video conference platform work WeChat

    Methods: focus group computational algorithm grounded theory qualitative coding group interview

  • Digital transformation and European small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A comparative study using digital economy and society index data


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 1

    Authors: Skare, Marinko; de las Mercedes de Obesso, María; Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel

    Abstract: Digital transformation is profoundly transforming SMEs’ business activities, bri ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: digital transformation database system pandemic business model supply chain management

    Methods: cross sectional research survey Wald test data modeling design science

  • Digital Identity Wallets and their Semantic Contradictions

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Smethurst, Reilly

    Abstract: In the fight for individual privacy against online surveillance and personal da ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Greece

    Topics: web3 privacy