2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Jabr, Wael; Ghoshal, Abhijeet; Cheng, Yichen; Pavlou, Paul
Abstract: Online retailers are increasingly focused on maintaining a long-term relationshi ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: website price management mobile system accounting logistics management
Methods: simulation logistic regression proportional hazards model cluster analysis machine learning
2019 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Guerin, Roch; Hosanagar, Kartik; Xinxin Li; Soumya Sen
Abstract: New technologies, such as virtualization, are transforming the way in which soft ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: economies of scale cloud computing information technology infrastructure internet of things mobile system
Methods: mathematical model survey
2019 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Li, Liang; Du, Kui; Zhang, Wei; Mao, Ji-Ye
Abstract: This paper uses activity theoretic analyses to investigate the role of governmen ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: electronic commerce societal challenge digital platform logistics management Erlang
Methods: qualitative interview archival research theory development case study conceptual modelling
Theories: activity theory
2018 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Lomotey, Richard K.; Deters, Ralph
Abstract: A promise of mHealth is its capacity to facilitate the consumption of Electronic ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: healthcare data mobile health mobile system database system tablet
Methods: experiment computational algorithm usage data
2016 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Gartner, Daniel; Padman, Rema
Abstract: Length of Stay (LOS) is an important metric of care quality and efficiency in ho ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: healthcare data Erlang decision support electronic health record
Methods: cluster analysis computational algorithm mathematical model k-means clustering experiment
2013 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien; Roland, Benoît; Cordier, Jean-Philippe; Riane, Fouad
Abstract: Over the last few decades, rational health care management and, in particular, o ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: decision making Erlang accounting decision support system
Methods: Markov chain business process modeling Markov chain Monte Carlo statistical hypothesis test simulation
2012 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Kristianto, Yohanes; Gunasekaran, Angappa; Helo, Petri; Sandhu, Maqsood
Abstract: A supply chain needs to meet its customers' requirements (CRs) in terms of deliv ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: supply chain management decision support system logistics management spreadsheet decision making
Methods: simulation mathematical model descriptive statistic cluster analysis discrete event simulation
2009 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Wiederhold, Gio; Tessler, Shirley; Gupta, Amar; Smith, David Branson
Abstract: Businesses engaging in outsourcing of professional service activities to organiz ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: offshoring intellectual property research and development customer loyalty embedded system
2008 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ippisch, Tobias; Thiesse, Frederic
Abstract: Location technologies such as GPS or GSM cell tracking can be used to improve th ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: supply chain management geographic information system radio frequency identification global navigation satellite system Visual Basic
Methods: simulation literature study computational algorithm sensitivity analysis experiment
2007 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 28
Authors: Ziegler, Cai-Nicolas; Golbeck, Jennifer
Abstract: Online communities that allow their users to express their personal preferences, ... Expand
Semantic filters: Erlang
Topics: collaborative filtering recommender system website social network personality
Methods: experiment descriptive statistic parametric test ANOVA data modeling