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Found 11 articles
  • Examining the Impact of ICT on Sustainable Development: A Data-Driven Narrative


    2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ramasubramanian, Gautam; Shaikh, Aijaz; Sharma, Ravishankar

    Abstract: Considering the challenges of sustainable development and the mixed prescription ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: systems development missing data information system use IT skill productivity

    Methods: Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining longitudinal research correlation analysis theory development regression analysis method

  • Chasing John Snow: data analytics in the COVID-19 era


    2020 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Pietz, Jesse; McCoy, Scott; Wilck, Joseph H.

    Abstract: During the first half of 2020, the lives of people around the world abruptly cha ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: digital dashboard analytical information system pandemic data visualization systems development

    Methods: survey longitudinal research sensitivity analysis machine learning

    Theories: multi-attribute utility theory

  • Temporal enactment of resettled refugees' ICT-mediated information practices


    2019 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0

    Authors: Andrade, Antonio Díaz; Doolin, Bill

    Abstract: “In this paper, we explain how resettled refugees use information and communicat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: information system use electronic mail internet technology online learning system Facebook

    Methods: qualitative interview personal interview field study theoretical contribution

    Theories: theory of abduction

  • Manu Militari: The Institutional Contingencies of Stakeholder Relationships on Entrepreneurial Performance


    2018 | Organization Science | Citations: 5

    Authors: Hiatt, Shon R.; Carlos, W. Chad; Sine, Wesley D.

    Abstract: This study examines how ventures can leverage relationships with heterogeneous g ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: armed conflict organizational productivity physical security natural hazard earthquake

    Methods: survival analysis robustness check descriptive statistic theoretical contribution probit regression

    Theories: management theory resource dependency theory

  • Business Intelligence Capability: The Effect of Top Management and the Mediating Roles of User Participation and Analytical Decision Making Orientation


    2017 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kulkarni, Uday; Robles-Flores, Jose; Popovič, Aleš

    Abstract: In this study, we draw on the structurational model of technology in an institut ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: decision making participatory design information technology capability organizational productivity organizational value

    Methods: design methodology theory development SEM tool focus group survey

    Theories: structuration theory

  • The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying


    2015 | Organization Science | Citations: 4

    Authors: Choi, Seong-Jin; Jia, Nan; Lu, Jiangyong

    Abstract: This paper investigates how the structure of political institutions influences t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: accounting logistics management database system

    Methods: hierarchical linear modeling survey propensity score method parametric test Student's t-test

  • Learning to Carry the Cat by the Tail: Firm Experience, Disasters, and Multinational Subsidiary Entry and Expansion


    2014 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Oetzel, Jennifer M.; Oh, Chang Hoon

    Abstract: We investigate whether firm experience with discontinuous risks, particularly hi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: terrorist incident natural hazard database system risk management decision making

    Methods: descriptive statistic robustness check regression analysis method longitudinal research statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: resource based view of the firm

  • ICT Investment Impacts on Future Levels of Democracy, Corruption, and E-Government Acceptance in Emerging Countries

    2007 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Soper, Daniel

    Abstract: Structuration theory and the theory of network society are used to guide an inve ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: IT investment government system missing data information technology infrastructure database system

    Methods: data imputation Markov chain Monte Carlo

    Theories: structuration theory

  • Global Diffusion of the Internet VII- Teledensity Growth Strategies for Latin America: The Case of Colombia and Ecuador


    2005 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: McCoy, Scott; Mbarika, Victor W. A.

    Abstract: The Internet in developing countries grew substantially in recent years. Given t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: communication service infrastructure

    Methods: ANOVA parametric test survey longitudinal research survey design

  • A Process Model of Capability Development: Lessons from the Electronic Commerce Strategy at Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil


    2002 | Organization Science | Citations: 54

    Authors: Montealegre, Ramiro

    Abstract: Past literature using the resource-based view of the firm has concentrated on at ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Ecuador

    Topics: electronic commerce website virtual world innovation management systems implementation

    Methods: business process modeling qualitative interview case study longitudinal research design artifact

    Theories: resource based view of the firm