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Found 12 articles
  • Authenticity-Based Connections as Organizational Constraints and the Paradox of Authenticity in the Market for Cuban Cigars


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Verhaal, J. Cameron; Hahl, Oliver; Fandl, Kevin J.

    Abstract: We explore the organizational consequences that different authenticity claims ca ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: cloud computing

    Methods: experiment statistical power analysis theory development parametric test statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: organizational theory

  • Chasing John Snow: data analytics in the COVID-19 era


    2020 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Pietz, Jesse; McCoy, Scott; Wilck, Joseph H.

    Abstract: During the first half of 2020, the lives of people around the world abruptly cha ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: digital dashboard analytical information system pandemic data visualization systems development

    Methods: survey longitudinal research sensitivity analysis machine learning

    Theories: multi-attribute utility theory

  • Detection of Sentiment Provoking Events in Social Media

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 1

    Authors: Daou, Hoda

    Abstract: Social media has become one of the main sources of news and events due to its ab ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: Twitter social media fake news blog criminality

    Methods: computational algorithm descriptive statistic support vector machine cluster analysis classification method

  • How Do Cubans Use Internet? The Effects of Capital

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Deng, Xuefei (Nancy); Camacho, Armando; Press, Larry

    Abstract: We conducted an exploratory study to understand Cuban Internet use from individu ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: internet technology intranet information system use knowledge acquisition social capital

    Methods: survey chi squared test personal interview qualitative coding

  • Information technologies and democracy in a closed society

    2019 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Rico, Jobany; Cousins, Karlene

    Abstract: IS research has a lot to say about how information and communication technologi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: information system use user experience digital media internet technology affordance

    Methods: case study qualitative interview personal interview grounded theory design artifact

    Theories: theory of affordance

  • The Digital Divide in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Multivariate and Geospatial Analysis

    2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Pick, James B; Sarkar, Avijit; Parrish, Elizabeth

    Abstract: This paper is the first systematic attempt to examine spatial patterns of techno ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: information system use innovation management technology adoption internet technology Facebook

    Methods: conceptual modelling cluster analysis descriptive statistic ordinary least square correlation analysis

  • Mobile Technologies and the Extended Self in Developing Countries

    2015 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Odonkor, Evelyn; Pallud, Jessie

    Abstract: The Mobile Revolution that has taken place in several developing countries has m ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

  • Examining Question-Answering Technology from the Task Technology Fit Perspective


    2012 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Robles-Flores, José Antonio; Roussinov, Dmitri

    Abstract: The World Wide Web has become a vital supplier of information for organizations ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: Google+ web search engine user requirement user satisfaction information retrieval system

    Methods: design artifact experiment computational algorithm question answering survey

    Theories: theory of task technology fit

  • IT Readiness, ICT Usage, and National Sustainability Development: Testing the Source-Position-Performance Framework

    2011 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Krishnan, Satish; Teo, Thompson; Nishant, Rohit

    Abstract: Utilizing the Source-Position-Performance (SPP) framework of competitive advanta ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: information system use enterprise information system government system competitive advantage technology diffusion

    Methods: partial least squares regression survey SEM tool archival research theory development

    Theories: theory of economic development

  • Moderating Effects of Environmental Factors on E-Government, E-Business, and Environmental Sustainability

    2011 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Krishnan, Satish; Teo, Thompson

    Abstract: Utilizing the resource complementarity perspective of the resource based view (R ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Cuba

    Topics: environmental sustainability government system electronic business human resource management digital innovation

    Methods: survey archival research longitudinal research statistical power analysis regression analysis method

    Theories: theory of economic development theory of economic growth economic theory resource based view of the firm