2016 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Forsgren, Nicole; Durcikova, Alexandra; Clay, Paul F.; Wang, Xuequn
Abstract: While many studies have investigated the relationship between information system ...
Abstract: While many studies have investigated the relationship between information systems (IS) characteristics and IS use, the results have been inconsistent. We argue that this inconsistency may be due to the modeling of information and system quality and the importance of the system usage context. We extend Wixom and Todd’s (2005) integrated model of IS satisfaction by proposing and modeling information and system quality as second-order constructs and by testing the model in the system administration context. Our findings provide support for modeling information and system quality as second-order constructs in the integrated model. Furthermore, our findings support using additional constructs, unique to the context studied, in the integrated model. We contribute to current literature by 1) enhancing the construct validity of information and system quality, which ultimately improves statistical conclusion validity and internal validity for studies that focus on information and system quality; and 2) testing the extended model in the system administration context. Our findings suggest that future research should measure information quality and system quality as second-order constructs and that including context-specific information and system characteristics provides researchers and practitioners with a better understanding of IS characteristics important in system administration.
Semantic filters:
system quality data quality information system use situation awareness user satisfaction
survey partial least squares regression literature sample descriptive statistic conceptual modelling
information systems success model
Risk and Compliance Management for Cloud Computing Services: Designing a Reference Model
2011 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 11
Authors: Martens, Benedikt; Teuteberg, Frank
Abstract: More and more companies are making use of Cloud Computing Services in order to r ...
Abstract: More and more companies are making use of Cloud Computing Services in order to reduce costs and to increase the flexibility of their IT infrastructures. Currently, the focus is shifting towards problems of risk and compliance which include as well the realm of Cloud Computing security. For instance, since the storage locations of data may shift or remain unknown to the user, the problem of the applicable jurisdiction arises and impede the adoption and management of Cloud Computing Services. Therefore, companies need new methods to avoid being fined for compliance violations, to manage risk factors as well as to manage processes and decision rights. This paper presents a reference model that serves to support companies in managing and reducing risk and compliance efforts. We developed the model on the solid basis of a systematic literature review and practical requirements by analyzing Cloud Computing Service offers.
Semantic filters:
cloud computing database system IT security threat business process management COBIT
reference modelling structured literature research design science unified modeling language literature study