2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Yin, Xicheng; Zhu, Kevin; Wang, Hongwei; Zhang, Jiaping; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Heng
Abstract: Task instructions are seeker-generated content aiming to disclose information an ... Expand
Semantic filters: Breusch–Godfrey test
Topics: crowdsourcing Python knowledge representation task complexity database system
Methods: natural language processing machine learning word2vec statistical hypothesis test descriptive statistic
Theories: expectancy theory of motivation dual-system theory
2010 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 226
Authors: Wang, Ping
Abstract: What happens to organizations that chase the hottest information technologies? T ... Expand
Semantic filters: Breusch–Godfrey test
Topics: innovation management digital innovation IT investment organizational productivity technology diffusion
Methods: regression analysis method survey descriptive statistic archival research longitudinal research
Theories: management fashion theory institutional theory
2009 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 2
Authors: Slaughter, Kelly T
Abstract: Though the need for user participation to successfully develop information syste ... Expand
Semantic filters: Breusch–Godfrey test
Topics: IT workforce participatory design systems implementation economies of scope IT work
Methods: design methodology longitudinal research computational algorithm Breusch–Godfrey test ordinary least square
2003 | Organization Science | Citations: 12
Authors: Madsen, Tammy L.; Mosakowski, Elaine; Zaheer, Srilata
Abstract: Firms often bring in personnel from rivals to gain tacit knowledge and skills. P ... Expand
Semantic filters: Breusch–Godfrey test
Topics: implicit knowledge intranet knowledge base database system organizational memory
Methods: qualitative interview longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis statistical hypothesis test time series analysis