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Found 9 articles
  • Who I Am and How I Contract: The Effect of Contractors’ Roles on the Evolution of Contract Structure in University–Industry Research Agreements


    2014 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bercovitz, Janet E. L.; Tyler, Beverly B.

    Abstract: In this exploratory study of university–industry sponsored research agreements, ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: intellectual property knowledge creation innovation management interorganizational relationship intrinsic motivation

    Methods: qualitative interview descriptive statistic robustness check qualitative content analysis statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: behavioral theory transaction cost economics

  • Web 2.0 Environmental Scanning and Adaptive Decision Support for Business Mergers and Acquisitions

    2012 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Lau, Raymond Y. K.; Liao, Stephen S. Y.; Wong, K. F.; Chiu, Dickson K. W.

    Abstract: Globalization has triggered a rapid increase in cross-border mergers and acquisi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: decision making BASIC decision support usability blog

    Methods: experiment sentiment analysis computational algorithm machine learning experimental group

    Theories: co-evolution theory

  • Database structure for a class of multi-period mathematical programming models


    2008 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Dutta, Goutam; Fourer, Robert

    Abstract: We describe how a generic multi-period optimization-based decision support syste ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: decision support system database system strategic management relational database operating system

    Methods: linear optimization optimization model

  • Codifiability, Relationship-Specific Information Technology Investment, and Optimal Contracting

    2003 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Levi, Moti; Kleindorfer, Paul R.; Wu, D.j.

    Abstract: The past few years have seen an explosion in the number of e-market-places, incl ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: business-to-business supply chain management procurement management IT investment electronic market

    Methods: case study qualitative interview mathematical model synthesis theory development

    Theories: agency theory game theory

  • Trading Volumes with and Without Private Information: A Study Using Computerized Market Experiments

    2000 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 3

    Authors: Tung, Y. Alex; Marsden, James R.

    Abstract: Insider trading and asymmetric information have been the subject of a significan ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: privacy information system use decision making BASIC

    Methods: experiment laboratory experiment field study statistical hypothesis test experimental design

    Theories: economic theory

  • COBOL: Is It Dying — or Thriving?


    1999 | ACM SIGMIS Database | Citations: 0

    Authors: Glass, Robert L.

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: COBOL BASIC Java

  • An improved neural network for manufacturing cell formation


    1997 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chu, Chao-Hsien

    Abstract: With structures inspired by the structure of the human brain and nervous system, ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: BASIC decision support system usability user interface computer hardware

    Methods: cluster analysis artificial neural network experiment computational algorithm sensitivity analysis

  • Neural network system for forecasting method selection


    1994 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Chu, Chao-Hsien; Widjaja, Djohan

    Abstract: Choosing an appropriate forecasting method is a crucial decision for most organi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: BASIC user interface usability programming language

    Methods: longitudinal research artificial neural network autocorrelation analysis time series analysis design artifact

  • The IS Expectation Gap: Industry Expectations Versus Academic Preparation


    1993 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 98

    Authors: Trauth, Eileen M.; Farwell, Douglas W.; Lee, Denis

    Abstract: Recent changes in information systems technologies, applications, and personnel ... Expand

    Semantic filters: BASIC

    Topics: IT manager IT workforce Pascal BASIC business process management

    Methods: survey focus group qualitative interview