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Found 2 articles
  • Gender Stereotyping’s Influence on the Perceived Competence of Siri and Co.

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ernst, Claus-Peter H; Herm-Stapelberg, Nils; Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität

    Abstract: Some users express frustration with regard to virtual assistants due to their la ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apple HomePod

    Topics: smart speaker Google+ smartphone cloud computing Bluetooth

    Methods: experiment survey experimental group Student's t-test statistical hypothesis test

  • The Smartphone as the Incumbent “Thing” among the Internet of Things

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: MacCrory, Frank; Katsamakas, Evangelos

    Abstract: The smartphone has been the ubiquitous computing platform in the past decade. Ho ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apple HomePod

    Topics: mobile system smartphone smart watch smart speaker smart home

    Methods: economic model mathematical model sensitivity analysis