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Found 85 articles
  • Self-Building Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Empower Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alahakoon, Damminda; Nawaratne, Rashmika; Xu, Yan; De Silva, Daswin; Sivarajah, Uthayasankar; Gupta, Bhumika

    Abstract: The emerging information revolution makes it necessary to manage vast amounts of ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: artificial intelligence smart city big data cloud computing distributed system

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment unsupervised learning machine learning longitudinal research

  • Cost-based Optimization of Multistore Query Plans


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Forresi, Chiara; Francia, Matteo; Gallinucci, Enrico; Golfarelli, Matteo

    Abstract: Multistores are data management systems that enable query processing across diff ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: database system MongoDB PostgreSQL document database relational database

    Methods: computational algorithm experiment case study regression analysis method longitudinal research

  • Application Massive Data Processing Platform for Smart Manufacturing Based on Optimization of Data Storage


    2023 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ren, Bin; Chen, Yuquiang; Wang, Fujie

    Abstract: The aim of smart manufacturing is to reduce manpower requirements of the product ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: Apache HBase Apache Hadoop Hadoop Distributed File System stream processing Python

    Methods: experiment

  • A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective of Software Reuse in the Digital Age: An Agenda for IS Research


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Vial, Gregory

    Abstract: Software is instrumental to the accelerated pace of digital innovation, and our ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: digital ecosystem packaged software digital platform systems development Java

    Methods: theory development TensorFlow theoretical contribution

    Theories: complex adaptive system co-evolution theory media synchronicity theory

  • Software Components and Product Variety in a Platform Ecosystem: A Dynamic Network Analysis of WordPress


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Um, Sungyong; Zhang, Bin; Wattal, Sunil; Yoo, Youngjin

    Abstract: Software components, such as application programming interfaces (APIs), provided ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: application programming interface digital ecosystem digital product innovation management website

    Methods: doc2vec hierarchical clustering longitudinal research cluster analysis chi squared test

  • Context-Aware Marketing Attribution Based on Survival Analysis

    2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Züllig, Kilian; Napirata, Stefan; Zimmermann, Steffen

    Abstract: Companies increasingly invest in digital marketing channels to promote their pr ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: marketing management iOS Android mobile system MapReduce

    Methods: machine learning survival analysis hazard function design artifact Markov chain Monte Carlo

    Theories: probability theory

  • Impact of digital leadership capability on innovation performance: The role of platform digitization capability


    2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 1

    Authors: Benitez, Jose; Arenas, Alvaro; Castillo, Ana; Esteves, Jose

    Abstract: Following a mixed-methods approach, we theorized that digital leadership influen ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: innovation management IT leadership business process management information technology infrastructure data integration

    Methods: qualitative interview survey mixed method theory development statistical power analysis

  • Strategic business value from big data analytics: An empirical analysis of the mediating effects of value creation mechanisms


    2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 3

    Authors: Elia, Gianluca; Raguseo, Elisabetta; Solazzo, Gianluca; Pigni, Federico

    Abstract: Big data are a prominent source of value capable of generating competitive advan ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: value creation big data innovation management organizational productivity business process improvement

    Methods: survey theory development company material exploratory data analysis longitudinal research

    Theories: theory of economic development dynamic capabilities theory resource based view of the firm

  • Semantic Framework for Practicing Data Science in Public Health Organizations during the Covid-19 Pandemics


    2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Juric, Radmila; Ronchieri, Elisabetta

    Abstract: This paper proposes a semantic framework based on software architectures for acc ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: Twitter Python application programming interface decision making enterprise architecture

    Methods: experiment computational algorithm natural language processing sentiment analysis ontological modelling

  • Digital Platform Ecosystem Dynamics: The Roles of Product Scope, Innovation, and Collaborative Network Centrality

    2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 6

    Authors: Li, He; Zhang, Chen; Kettinger, William

    Abstract: This research highlights the circulative nature of digital platform ecosystem dy ... Expand

    Semantic filters: Apache Hadoop

    Topics: innovation management digital ecosystem Apache Hadoop new product development open source software project

    Methods: qualitative content analysis longitudinal data analysis statistical hypothesis test qualitative coding theory development