2020 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 6
Authors: Camargo, Manuel; Dumas, Marlon; González-Rojas, Oscar
Abstract: Business process simulation is a versatile technique to estimate the performance ... Expand
Semantic filters: Andes
Topics: business process management peer-to-peer model open source process mining source code
Methods: event log simulation business process modeling computational algorithm modeling language
2016 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Zhou, Yun; Fenton, Norman; Zhu, Cheng
Abstract: Learning the conditional probability table (CPT) parameters of Bayesian networks ... Expand
Semantic filters: Andes
Topics: decision support earthquake Perl missing data
Methods: computational algorithm experiment simulation case study constraint programming
2014 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Laureiro-Martinez, Daniella
Abstract: This paper examines the cognitive and behavioral foundations of decision making ... Expand
Semantic filters: Andes
Topics: decision making mindfulness personality innovation management missing data
Methods: descriptive statistic simulation survey neurophysiology data transformation
Theories: cognitive theory
2010 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ayerbe, Camilo Méndez; Avendaño, Gustavo Camargo; Herrera, Andrea
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the work, findings, study case and contributions made ... Expand
Semantic filters: Andes
Topics: IT risk management risk management COBIT IT investment marketing management
Methods: cross sectional research ethnography qualitative interview
2009 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Andrade, Antonio Diaz; Arthanari, Tiru
Abstract: In this paper we make the case of using photographs as a source of data for inte ... Expand
Semantic filters: Andes
Topics: information system use anonymity communication service infrastructure social network marketing management
Methods: field study ethnography grounded theory qualitative interview data transformation