2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Tseng, Shih-Lun; Lu, Shuya; Weathers, Danny; Grover, Varun
Abstract: Websites that allow consumers to post online reviews often allow others to signa ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: online review Reddit Twitter electronic commerce user-generated content
Methods: computational algorithm longitudinal research longitudinal experiment statistical hypothesis test parametric test
Theories: signaling theory
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Weingart, Pablo; Wambsganss, Thiemo; Soellner, Matthias
Abstract: Deriving business insights from user-generated content (UGC) is a widely invest ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: database system social network online review social media user-generated content
Methods: natural language processing structured literature research qualitative interview deep learning NLP application
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Yin, Dezhi; de Vreede, Triparna; Steele, Logan M.; de Vreede, Gert-Jan
Abstract: Mixed or inconsistent opinions are commonplace in online reviews. Prior research ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: decision making online review user-generated content data relevance enterprise information system
Methods: experiment chi squared test laboratory experiment conceptual modelling theory development
Theories: cognitive dissonance theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Yang, Yi; Subramanyam, Ramanath
Abstract: Topic models are becoming a frequently employed tool in the empirical methods r ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: online review user-generated content open source usability social media
Methods: topic model experiment word embedding Gibbs sampling computational algorithm
2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bojja, Giridhar Reddy; Liu, Jun; Shan, Ronghua; Wang, Yong
Abstract: Several studies have highlighted the importance of leadership communication in ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: organizational productivity Twitter social media application programming interface website
Methods: natural language processing company material Compustat deep learning cross sectional research
Theories: communication theory
2022 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Hou, Jinghui (Jove); Ma, Xiao
Abstract: High-quality online consumer reviews are valuable to e-commerce stakeholders. Ex ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: social presence online review social norm website electronic commerce
Methods: theory development natural language processing computational algorithm statistical hypothesis test design artifact
2022 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Kumar, Ajay; Gopal, Ram D.; Shankar, Ravi; Tan, Kim Hua
Abstract: Reading customer reviews before purchasing items online has become a common prac ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: online review electronic commerce website marketing management logistics management
Methods: feature engineering machine learning computational algorithm XGBoost product review
2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Schurig, Tim; Zambach, Sine; Mukkamala, Raghava Rao; Petry, Malte
Abstract: Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a natural language processing method ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: online learning system Python decision making
Methods: survey literature study qualitative interview natural language processing NLTK
2021 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 7
Authors: Chen, Peiyu; Hitt, Lorin M.; Hong, Yili; Wu, Shinyi
Abstract: Building on the distinction between search and experience goods, as well as vert ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: experience good horizontal differentiation product differentiation online review marketing management
Methods: longitudinal research Amazon review descriptive statistic product review time series analysis
2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Lee, Kyuhan; Ram, Sudha
Abstract: One effective approach to fight fake news is to automatically filter it out usi ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon review
Topics: fake news online review application programming interface cloud computing personality
Methods: deep learning machine learning natural language processing design science part of speech tagging
Theories: cognitive complexity theory