2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Tseng, Shih-Lun; Lu, Shuya; Weathers, Danny; Grover, Varun
Abstract: Websites that allow consumers to post online reviews often allow others to signa ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: online review Reddit Twitter electronic commerce user-generated content
Methods: computational algorithm longitudinal research longitudinal experiment statistical hypothesis test parametric test
Theories: signaling theory
2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Folkmann, Katrine; Hedman, Jonas; Avital, Michel
Abstract: This paper develops a typology of digital offerings to shed light on the distinc ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: legal context digital ecosystem user experience digital economy digital service
Theories: transaction cost economics
2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Xue, Hanbing; li, yongjun; Foutz, Natasha; Ji, Yangfeng
Abstract: Digital entertainment products, such as e-books, movies, and video games, commo ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: price management ebook digital good artificial intelligence digital service
Methods: experiment field experiment sentiment analysis randomized field experiment qualitative content analysis
2018 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Gal, Uri; Riemer, Kai; Chasin, Friedrich
Abstract: In recent years, scholars’ interest in developing historically informed explanat ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: Wikipedia analytical information system cloud computing knowledge creation digital platform
Methods: archival research mixed method case study
Theories: theory of change
2017 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 4
Authors: Zhang, Zhongju; Feng, Juan
Abstract: The sale of genuinely branded products through unauthorized channels (also known ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: price management digital platform Amazon Kindle
Methods: longitudinal research regression analysis method autoregressive model company material autocorrelation analysis
2016 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Zhang, Kunpeng; Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha; Ram, Sudha
Abstract: This paper proposes an audience selection framework for online brand advertising ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: Facebook advertising management MapReduce social media email spam
Methods: computational algorithm experiment sentiment analysis network analysis descriptive statistic
2011 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gerlach, Jin; Buxmann, Peter
Abstract: The digitization of the book industry is often said to lead the physical book to ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: ebook digital good innovation management marketing management digital platform
Methods: qualitative interview survey literature study survey design qualitative content analysis
Theories: cognitive dissonance theory
2009 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Li
Abstract: With the technical development of the reading equipment, e-books have witnessed ... Expand
Semantic filters: Amazon Kindle
Topics: ebook digital good smartphone Apple iPhone information good
Methods: game theoretical model
Theories: lemon market theory game theory