2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Akoka, Jacky; Comyn-Wattiau, Isabelle; Prat, Nicolas; Storey, Veda C.
Abstract: Design science research addresses important, complex real-world problems. Althou ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: knowledge type decision support system IT project management innovation management anonymity
Methods: design science literature sample literature study design artifact design principle
2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Alam, Sultana Lubna; Sun, Ruonan
Abstract: The success of crowdsourcing (CS) systems depends on sustained participation, wh ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: information system use strategic management intrinsic motivation
Methods: qualitative interview case study business process modeling theory development synthesis
Theories: technology acceptance theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Alizadeh, Armin; Hirsch, Felix; Benlian, Alexander; Wiener, Martin; Cram, W. Alec
Abstract: Algorithmic control (AC) refers to organizations’ use of increasingly intelligen ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: platform worker organizational context technostress database system ride sharing platform
Methods: qualitative interview survey design card sorting computational algorithm survey
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Baduna, Maryam; Hylving, Lena
Abstract: This literature review examines trust in AI-augmented decision-making systems i ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: decision making artificial intelligence human AI collaboration human computer interaction expert system
Methods: literature study literature sample computational algorithm synthesis machine learning
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Baier, Marie-Sophie; Berger, Stephan; Kreuzer, Thomas; Oberländer, Anna; Röglinger, Maximilian
Abstract: Digital technology (DT) is creating and shaping today's world. Building on its ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: knowledge base perceived usefulness competitive advantage decision making technology adoption
Methods: cluster analysis theory development longitudinal data analysis focus group computational algorithm
Theories: information systems theory sociomaterialism theory
2023 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0
Authors: Barata, João; da Cunha, Paulo Rupino; de Figueiredo, António Dias
Abstract: Besides increasing transparency and demonstrating awareness of the author, self- ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Methods: literature sample literature study design science theory development synthesis
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Aryal, arun; AMRANI, REDOUANE EL; Wu, Crystal
Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that requires a ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: digital transformation database system diffusion of innovation innovation management
Methods: literature study literature sample qualitative coding cross sectional research theory development
Theories: information systems theory institutional theory dynamic capabilities theory diffusion of innovations theory knowledge management theory
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bitzer, Tobias; Wiener, Martin; Cram, W. Alec
Abstract: The widespread and growing use of algorithm-enabled technologies across many as ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: database system algorithmic transparency artificial intelligence website digital service
Methods: computational algorithm literature study synthesis mixed method archival research
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 4
Authors: Brasse, Julia; Broder, Hanna Rebecca; Förster, Maximilian; Klier, Mathias; Sigler, Irina
Abstract: The quest to open black box artificial intelligence (AI) systems evolved into an ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence user requirement electronic market user experience
Methods: literature study literature sample cluster analysis synthesis machine learning
Theories: information systems theory activity theory agency theory attribution theory cognitive fit theory
2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Brendel, Alfred Benedikt; Diederich, Stephan; Niederman, Fred
Abstract: Genuine theory testing, also under the term “replication research”, is rarely fo ... Expand
Semantic filters: AIS senior scholars' basket of journals
Topics: unintended consequence innovation management
Methods: literature study qualitative interview theory development literature sample